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Get underlined text with Markdown

... I guess this is because underlined text is hard to read, and that it's usually used for hyperlinks. share | improve this answer | follow | ...

cleanest way to skip a foreach if array is empty [duplicate]

...t need: foreach ((array) $items as $item) { print $item; } Note: to all the people complaining about typecast, please note that the OP asked cleanest way to skip a foreach if array is empty (emphasis is mine). A value of true, false, numbers or strings is not considered empty. In addition, th...

How to base64 encode image in linux bash / shell

... You need to use cat to get the contents of the file named 'DSC_0251.JPG', rather than the filename itself. test="$(cat DSC_0251.JPG | base64)" However, base64 can read from the file itself: test=$( base64 DSC_0251.JPG ) ...

Combining two Series into a DataFrame in pandas

... this actually avoids copying too (as compared to the dict solution) – Jeff Aug 5 '13 at 16:27 ...

How to properly add cross-site request forgery (CSRF) token using PHP

... deterministically Try this out: Generating a CSRF Token PHP 7 session_start(); if (empty($_SESSION['token'])) { $_SESSION['token'] = bin2hex(random_bytes(32)); } $token = $_SESSION['token']; Sidenote: One of my employer's open source projects is an initiative to backport random_bytes() a...

What are the differences between -std=c++11 and -std=gnu++11?

...oid extensions because I don't recommend doing anything that isn't specifically defined by the Standard... but even then, "violates" is a strange and loaded term, when a lot of these extensions are, to use Standardese, just implementation-defining or specifying things that the Standard is silent on ...

How do I output coloured text to a Linux terminal?

... You need to output ANSI colour codes. Note that not all terminals support this; if colour sequences are not supported, garbage will show up. Example: cout << "\033[1;31mbold red text\033[0m\n"; Here, \033 is the ESC character, ASCII 27. It is followed by [, then zero o...

When creating a service with sc.exe how to pass in context parameters?

...ce as well as setting the start setting to auto so that it starts automatically. You can do this by specifying DisplayName= yourdisplayname and start= auto in your create statement. Here is an example: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator> sc create asperacentral binPath= "C:\Program Files\...

UCenter实现各系统通信的原理 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...原理 1、用户登录bbs,通过logging.php文件中,使用函数uc_user_login验证,如果验证成功,将调用函数uc_user_synlogin(位于uc_client下的client.php文件中), 在这个函数中调用 uc_api_post('user', 'synlogin', array('uid'=>$uid));之后向UC_API.'/index.php'...

static linking only some libraries

How can I statically link only a some specific libraries to my binary when linking with GCC? 8 Answers ...