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How to export data as CSV format from SQL Server using sqlcmd?

...th '""' + col1 + '""' AS col1, wrapped in (doubled) double quotes or just call a stored procedure. – MisterIsaak Dec 11 '13 at 17:17 ...

How to read a large file - line by line?

... The for line in f treats the file object f as an iterable, which automatically uses buffered I/O and memory management so you don't have to worry about large files. There should be one -- and preferably only one -- obvious way to do it. ...

Where is Erlang used and why? [closed]

...ng in its SMS and authentication systems. • Motorola is using Erlang in call processing products in the public-safety industry. • Ericsson uses Erlang in its support nodes, used in GPRS and 3G mobile networks worldwide. The most popular open source Erlang applications include the following: •...

iPhone Data Usage Tracking/Monitoring

... The thing is that pdp_ip0 is one of interfaces, all pdpXXX are WWAN interfaces dedicated to different functions, voicemail, general networking interface. I read in Apple forum that : The OS does not keep network statistics on a process-by-process basis. As such, there's n...

Handling applicationDidBecomeActive - “How can a view controller respond to the app becoming Active?

...tionDidBecomeActiveNotification and specify which method that you want to call when that notification gets sent to your application. [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(someMethod:) ...

When to use symbols instead of strings in Ruby?

...iers. For Ruby < 2.2 only use symbols when they aren't generated dynamically, to avoid memory leaks. Full answer The only reason not to use them for identifiers that are generated dynamically is because of memory concerns. This question is very common because many programming languages don't h...

To ARC or not to ARC? What are the pros and cons? [closed]

...t has no GC runtime overhead. The compiler inserts retains and releases in all the places you should have anyway. But it's smarter than you and can optimize out the ones that aren't actually needed (just like it can unroll loops, eliminate temporary variables, inline functions, etc.) OK, now I will...

java.sql.SQLException: Incorrect string value: '\xF0\x9F\x91\xBD\xF0\x9F…'

...ead: For a supplementary character, utf8 cannot store the character at all, while utf8mb4 requires four bytes to store it. Since utf8 cannot store the character at all, you do not have any supplementary characters in utf8 columns and you need not worry about converting characters or losi...

When to use inline function and when not to use it?

...at inline is a hint or request to compiler and its used to avoid function call overheads. 14 Answers ...

LEFT JOIN only first row

... Thanks for your fast response. This was not the exact answer, but totally got me on the right way. I always tried to join both on the same level instead of making the one depended from the other. Thank you very much for leading me on the right track. Edited the first post ...