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In HTML5, should the main navigation be inside or outside the element?

... code rather than the start. I use CSS to send it to the top of a computer screen or leave it at the end for text-speech browsers and small screens. This avoids the need for skip-links. share | impr...

Android: How to Programmatically set the size of a Layout

...ent LinearLayout. The idea is, based on the pixel count and density of the screen, to set the size of the containing layout to a number of pixels; and have the button set resize itself based on that change. ...

Vagrant stuck connection timeout retrying

...S. My problem is the same string of timeouts but I could only see a black screen in the GUI. A laptop which I was just setting up kept showing the same problem. After hours of searching I finally found a tip to see if the BIOS had Hardware Virtualisation was enabled. Here's the content of the pos...

How to create a multiline UITextfield?

...ar app makes View with placeholder and word wrap for notes at event adding screen ? – Gennadiy Ryabkin Dec 9 '14 at 11:24 3 ...

Detect Retina Display

...OS devices, you need to check if the device is running iOS4+ and if the [UIScreen mainScreen].scale property is equal to 2.0. You CANNOT assume a device is running iOS4+ if the scale property exists, as the iPad 3.2 also contains this property. On an iPad running iOS3.2, scale will return 1.0 in 1...

What is the difference between and ?

...help the browser to display the page, but it is useful for search engines, screen readers, and other things that might read and try to interpret the page, besides human beings. share | improve this ...

How to Resize a Bitmap in Android?

...this, it will be full in the imageview. If i scale it down say 75% and the screen is so that it displays scaled image also fully in imageview, what should be done for such screens? – jxgn Jan 4 '13 at 8:54 ...

Center a button in a Linear layout

I am using a linear layout to display a pretty light initial screen. It has 1 button that is supposed to centre in the screen both horizontally and vertically. However no matter what I try to do the button will top align centre. I have included the XML below, can some one point me in the right di...

How to terminate a window in tmux?

How to terminate a window in tmux? Like the Ctrl a k shortcut in screen with Ctrl a being the prefix. 10 Answers ...

Vertical Text Direction

... sadly, if the vertical text is on the left side of the screen, most roman texts are read bottom-to-top. And then top-to-bottom if the text is on the right side of the screen. Having some values deprecated, we end up with the sole vertical-rl that is top to bottom for the right si...