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What's the best practice using a settings file in Python? [closed]

... Yaml and Json are the simplest and most commonly used file formats to store settings/config. PyYaml can be used to parse yaml. Json is already part of python from 2.5. Yaml is a superset of Json. Json will solve most uses cases except...

Redis strings vs Redis hashes to represent JSON: efficiency?

I want to store a JSON payload into redis. There's really 2 ways I can do this: 3 Answers ...

How to send POST request?

... How to get json result? – Yohanes AI Apr 26 '18 at 9:03 13 ...

Infinite Recursion with Jackson JSON and Hibernate JPA issue

... trying to convert a JPA object that has a bi-directional association into JSON, I keep getting 25 Answers ...

Pretty printing JSON from Jackson 2.2's ObjectMapper

...ackson.databind.ObjectMapper and would like to get a String with pretty JSON. All of the results of my Google searches have come up with Jackson 1.x ways of doing this and I can't seem to find the proper, non-deprecated way of doing this with 2.2. Even though I don't believe that code is absolute...

How to escape JSON string?

Are there any classes/functions available to be used for easy JSON escaping? I'd rather not have to write my own. 14 Answer...

Serializing PHP object to JSON

...andering around php.net for information about serializing PHP objects to JSON, when I stumbled across the new JsonSerializable Interface . It's only PHP >= 5.4 though, and I'm running in a 5.3.x environment. ...

How do I send a JSON string in a POST request in Go

I tried working with Apiary and made a universal template to send JSON to mock server and have this code: 4 Answers ...

Fastest way to flatten / un-flatten nested JSON objects

I threw some code together to flatten and un-flatten complex/nested JSON objects. It works, but it's a bit slow (triggers the 'long script' warning). ...

How to handle configuration in Go [closed]

... The JSON format worked for me quite well. The standard library offers methods to write the data structure indented, so it is quite readable. See also this golang-nuts thread. The benefits of JSON are that it is fairly simple to...