大约有 47,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0458秒) [XML]
How do I measure time elapsed in Java? [duplicate]
... to use in order to accomplish this in Java?
The short answer is a long. Now, more on how to measure...
The "traditional" way to do this is indeed to use System.currentTimeMillis():
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// ... do something ...
long estimatedTim...
List of Delphi language features and version in which they were introduced/deprecated
... bit AnsiChar/AnsiString support in enable on Linux.
C++Builder and Delphi now use the same ABI for all calls.
Delphi 10.2 Tokyo
Support for Linux server apps (Intel 64-bit using LLVM and ARC).
Assigning a dynamic arrays to a pointer using the @ operator is only allowed when hard-casting the a...
javascript toISOString() ignores timezone offset [duplicate]
... trying to convert Twitter datetime to a local iso-string (for prettyDate) now for 2 days. I'm just not getting the local time right..
Determine if the device is a smartphone or tablet? [duplicate]
... This answer is good but possibly a bit dated since values-xlarge is now being deprecated.Using /res/values and /res/values-sw600 as the folders to store these values in may be a better solution. sw600 means "smallest width 600". If the size of the smallest dimension of the screen is greater...
Python timedelta in years
...e date. Currently I've got timedelta from datetime module and I don't know how to convert it to years.
16 Answers
Clean up a fork and restart it from the upstream
...otect it after force-pushing).
Note: on GitHub specifically, there is now (February 2019) a shortcut to delete forked repos for pull requests that have been merged upstream.
improve thi...
How to update Identity Column in SQL Server?
... it started
with a big number 10010 and it's related with another table, now I have 200 records and I want to fix this issue before the records increases.
Difference between DateTime and Time in Ruby
...rom Aristotle.
When choosing one, the differences are somewhat subjective now. Historically DateTime has provided better options for manipulating it in a calendar fashion, but many of these methods have been ported over to Time as well, at least within the Rails environment.
Git - Undo pushed commits
...some commited changes already pushed to remote and pulled from the server. Now, I want to undo those changes. So I could just git checkout to the commit before the changes and commit the new changes, but I'm guessing that there will be problems to push them again to remote. Any suggestion on how s...
What are the alternatives now that the Google web search API has been deprecated? [closed]
Yes, Google Custom Search has now replaced the old Search API, but you can still use Google Custom Search to search the entire web, although the steps are not obvious from the Custom Search setup.
To create a Google Custom Search engine that searches th...