大约有 40,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0437秒) [XML]
What is Node.js? [closed]
I don't fully get what Node.js is all about. Maybe it's because I am mainly a web based business application developer. What is it and what is the use of it?
When to use static vs instantiated classes
...r BB code to HTML ; it doesn't have a life on its own)
(Yeah, I admit, really really overly-simplified...)
One thing about static methods/classes is that they don't facilitate unit testing (at least in PHP, but probably in other languages too).
Another thing about static data is that only one in...
find -exec a shell function in Linux?
Note also that any functions your function might be calling will not be available unless you export -f those as well.
– hraban
Jan 29 '16 at 14:14
How do I join two lines in vi?
...ou join lines as is -- without adding or removing whitespaces:
S<Switch_ID>_F<File type>
_ID<ID number>_T<date+time>_O<Original File name>.DAT
S<Switch_ID>_F<File type>_ID<ID number>_T<date+time>_O<Original File name>.DAT
为什么编译好的libcurl静态lib用不了? - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术
...an application that uses the static libcurl library, you must
add -DCURL_STATICLIB to your CFLAGS. Otherwise the linker will look for
dynamic import symbols. If you get linker error like "unknown symbol
__imp__curl_easy_init ..." you have linked against the wrong (static)
library. If you...
vs2010编译boost若干问题解决 - 开源 & Github - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术
...径——“C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin\x86_ia64”。再次运行“bootstrap.bat”,提示找不到“mspdb100.dll”,继续在环境变量中添加了路径——“C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE ”。
Routes with Dash `-` Instead of Underscore `_` in Ruby on Rails
there has to be a better and faster way to convert all routes that has undersore to hyphens
– carbonr
Mar 31 '13 at 17:59
How do you rename a MongoDB database?
... changes to every shard if the DB is sharded, plus the config servers have all the shard metadata in terms of namespaces with their full names.
There would be absolutely no way to do this on a live system.
To do it offline, it would require re-writing every single database file to accommod...
Starting python debugger automatically on error
You can use traceback.print_exc to print the exceptions traceback. Then use sys.exc_info to extract the traceback and finally call pdb.post_mortem with that traceback
import pdb, traceback, sys
def bombs():
a = []
print a[0]
if __name__ == '...
How can I get dictionary key as variable directly in Python (not by searching from value)?
...f you want to print key and value, use the following:
for key, value in my_dict.iteritems():
print key, value
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