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What is the meaning of “… …” token? i.e. double ellipsis operator on parameter pack

...s paired with a case of a regular single ellipsis. template<typename _Res, typename... _ArgTypes> struct _Weak_result_type_impl<_Res(_ArgTypes...)> { typedef _Res result_type; }; template<typename _Res, typename... _ArgTypes> struct _Weak_result_type_impl<_Res(...

Map over object preserving keys

... With Underscore Underscore provides a function _.mapObject to map the values and preserve the keys. _.mapObject({ one: 1, two: 2, three: 3 }, function (v) { return v * 3; }); // => { one: 3, two: 6, three: 9 } DEMO With Lodash Lodash provides a function _.mapVa...

Can the Android drawable directory contain subdirectories?

In the Android SDK documentation, all of the examples used with the @drawable/my_image xml syntax directly address images that are stored in the res/drawable directory in my project. ...

Difference between numpy.array shape (R, 1) and (R,)

... 1. The meaning of shapes in NumPy You write, "I know literally it's list of numbers and list of lists where all list contains only a number" but that's a bit of an unhelpful way to think about it. The best way to think about NumPy arrays is that they consist of two parts, a data bu...

Eclipse - Unable to install breakpoint due to missing line number attributes

... The above didn't work for me. I had to click the 'Remove all Breakpoints' icon in the Eclipse > Breakpoints view, then re-add the breakpoints. That worked. – Vik David May 19 '11 at 14:05 ...

What breaking changes are introduced in C++11?

...nity, whereas C++0x always rounds the result toward 0. (admittedly not really a compatibility problem for most people). Valid C++ 2003 code that uses the keyword auto as a storage class specifier may be invalid in C++0x. Narrowing conversions cause incompatibilities with C++03. For ex...

Using GPU from a docker container?

...the following environment: Ubuntu 14.04 CUDA 6.5 AWS GPU instance. Install nvidia driver and cuda on your host See CUDA 6.5 on AWS GPU Instance Running Ubuntu 14.04 to get your host machine setup. Install Docker $ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys 36A1D786...

How do you convert a byte array to a hexadecimal string, and vice versa?

... You're using SubString. Doesn't this loop allocate a horrible amount of string objects? – Wim Coenen Mar 6 '09 at 16:36 30 ...

How to sort an array by a date property

...e a custom non-enumerable sortBy function using a Schwartzian transform on all arrays : (function(){ if (typeof Object.defineProperty === 'function'){ try{Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype,'sortBy',{value:sb}); }catch(e){} } if (!Array.prototype.sortBy) Array.prototype.sortBy = sb; ...

Portable way to get file size (in bytes) in shell?

... One would guess the portable ls -ln FILE | { read _ _ _ _ size _ && echo "$size"; } needs not fork for the second step of the pipeline, as it uses just built-ins, but Bash 4.2.37 on Linux forks twice (still only one execve, though). – Palec ...