大约有 40,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0611秒) [XML]
List directory in Go
... of everything in the current directory (folders are included but not specially marked - you can check if an item is a folder by using the IsDir() method):
package main
import (
func main() {
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir("./")
if err != nil {
Python Flask, how to set content type
Try like this:
from flask import Response
def ajax_ddl():
xml = 'foo'
return Response(xml, mimetype='text/xml')
The actual Content-Type is based on the mimetype parameter and the charset (defaults to UTF-8).
Response (and request) objects are docume...
usr/bin/ld: cannot find -l
@ZoOo that shouldn't normally matter, the linker can work with either one
– djf
May 23 '13 at 9:48
Are PDO prepared statements sufficient to prevent SQL injection?
The short answer is NO, PDO prepares will not defend you from all possible SQL-Injection attacks. For certain obscure edge-cases.
I'm adapting this answer to talk about PDO...
The long answer isn't so easy. It's based off an attack demonstrated here.
The Attack
So, let's start off b...
How to set Oracle's Java as the default Java in Ubuntu?
...of the JVM, you don't need to update your .bashrc file, it should automatically point to the new version.
If you want to set JAVA_HOME environment variables globally and at system level means use should set in /etc/environment file.
ng-app vs. data-ng-app, what is the difference?
It seems like such a waste of CPU cycles to manually strip off data- and x-. Why can't the HTML validation rules be changed to accept ng- stuff?
– DaveAlger
May 13 '15 at 14:43
CMake unable to determine linker language with C++
...d (according to the documentation), but it wasn't helpful to me:
Optionally you can specify which languages your project supports.
Example languages are CXX (i.e. C++), C, Fortran, etc. By default C
and CXX are enabled. E.g. if you do not have a C++ compiler, you can
disable the check for ...
Window.open and pass parameters by post method
To set the values in the form dynamically, you can do like this:
function openWindowWithPost(something, additional, misc) {
var f = document.getElementById('TheForm');
f.something.value = something;
f.more.value = additional;
f.other.value = misc;
How to keep a .NET console app running?
... a Console application that starts up some services in a separate thread. All it needs to do is wait for the user to press Ctrl+C to shut it down.
Javascript - removing undefined fields from an object [duplicate]
You actually don't even need the ternary operator. Instead you can do (obj[key]===undefined&& delete obj[key]) The reason this works is because and uses short-circuit evaluation, so once the first check fails the second isn'...