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Insert auto increment primary key to existing table
I am trying to alter a table which has no primary key nor auto_increment column. I know how to add an primary key column but I was wondering if it's possible to insert data into the primary key column automatically (I already have 500 rows in DB and want to give them id but I don't want to do it man...
How can I get the corresponding table header (th) from a table cell (td)?
Given the following table, how would I get the corresponding table header for each td element?
7 Answers
Run MySQLDump without Locking Tables
Does the --lock-tables=false option work?
According to the man page, if you are dumping InnoDB tables you can use the --single-transaction option:
--lock-tables, -l
Lock all tables before dumping them. The tables are locked with READ
Space between two rows in a table?
...ements with the class spaceUnder. This will make it possible to use nested tables. (Cell C and D in the example code.) I'm not too sure about browser support for the direct child selector (think IE 6), but it shouldn't break the code in any modern browsers.
/* Apply padding to td elements that ...
Convert json data to a html table [closed]
Is there any jQuery or javascript library that generates a dynamic table given json data?
I don't want to define the columns, the library should read the keys in the json hash and generate columns.
How to deal with page breaks when printing a large HTML table
I have a project which requires printing an HTML table with many rows.
12 Answers
html tables: thead vs th
The <thead> tag is used to group the header content in an HTML table.
The thead element should be used in conjunction with the tbody and tfoot elements.
More : thead
You use <thead> to encapsulate an entire row (or rows) to designate them as the Table Header.
According to the ...
Select count(*) from multiple tables
How can I select count(*) from two different tables (call them tab1 and tab2 ) having as result:
18 Answers
CSS table layout: why does table-row not accept a margin?
See the CSS 2.1 standard, section 17.5.3. When you use display:table-row, the height of the DIV is solely determined by the height of the table-cell elements in it. Thus, margin, padding, and height on those elements have no effect.
how to emulate “insert ignore” and “on duplicate key update” (sql merge) with postgresql?
...meant that you use a query like this: "start transaction; create temporary table temporary_table as select * from test where false; copy temporary_table from 'data_file.csv'; lock table test; update test set data=temporary_table.data from temporary_table where test.id=temporary_table.id; insert into...