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Difference between @import and link in CSS

... The <link> directive can allow for multiple css be loaded and interpreted asyncronously. the @import directive forces the browser* to wait until the imported script is loaded inline to the parent script before it can be correctly processed by it's engine, since t...

TCP loopback connection vs Unix Domain Socket performance

... the overhead of TCP (congestion control, flow control, stream management (IP packet ordering, retransmission, etc) ). Unix domain sockets do not do any of the above because it was designed from the ground up to be ran locally, meaning no congestion issues, no speed differences between server/client...

ADB Shell Input Events

...t; Developer Options > Check the option POINTER SLOCATION .. Swipe X1 Y1 X2 Y2 [duration(ms)]: adb shell input swipe 100 500 100 1450 100 in this example X1=100, Y1=500, X2=100, Y2=1450, Duration = 100ms .. LongPress X Y: adb shell input swipe 100 500 100 500 250 ...

nginx server_name wildcard or catch-all

...ich serves several websites. The first is a status message on the server's IP address. The second is an admin console on admin.domain.com . These work great. Now I'd like all other domain requests to go to a single index.php - I have loads of domains and subdomains and it's impractical to list th...

Java JDBC - How to connect to Oracle using Service Name instead of SID

...lso specify the TNS name in the JDBC URL as below: jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS_LIST =(ADDRESS =(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=blah.example.com)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=BLAHSID)(GLOBAL_NAME=BLAHSID.WORLD)(SERVER=DEDICATED))) ...

How to give System property to my test via Gradle and -D

...e property by passing it with it -P: test { systemProperty "cassandra.ip", project.getProperty("cassandra.ip") } or alternatively, if you are passing it in via -D test { systemProperty "cassandra.ip", System.getProperty("cassandra.ip") } ...

How do I find where an exception was thrown in C++?

...ntext; // Get the address at the time the signal was raised from the EIP (x86) void * caller_address = (void *) uc->uc_mcontext.eip; std::cerr << "signal " << sig_num << " (" << strsignal(sig_num) << "), address is " &l...

httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for Se

...m Choose an FQDN and include it both in your /etc/hosts file on both the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses you are using (in your case, localhost or, and change your ServerName in your httpd configuration to match. /etc/hosts: localhost.localdomain localhost host.server4-245.com ::...

Using ping in c#

...ply reply = pinger.Send(nameOrAddress); pingable = reply.Status == IPStatus.Success; } catch (PingException) { // Discard PingExceptions and return false; } finally { if (pinger != null) { pinger.Dispose(); } } retu...

Live-stream video from one android phone to another over WiFi

...sample code for the server: // this is your network socket ParcelFileDescriptor pfd = ParcelFileDescriptor.fromSocket(socket); mCamera = getCameraInstance(); mMediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder(); mCamera.unlock(); mMediaRecorder.setCamera(mCamera); mMediaRecorder.setAudioSource(MediaRecorder.AudioS...