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Converting datetime.date to UTC timestamp in Python
...le (e.g., via tzlocal.get_localzone()) to get access to the tz database on all platforms. Also, utcfromtimestamp() may fail and mktime() may return non-POSIX timestamp if "right" timezone is used.
To convert datetime.date object that represents date in UTC without calendar.timegm():
DAY = 24*60*...
Passing base64 encoded strings in URL
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base64#URL_applications — it says clearly that escaping ‘makes the string unnecessarily longer’ and mentions the alternate charset variant.
– Michał Górny
Sep 3 '09 at 23:02
How to Unit test with different settings in Django?
EDIT: This answer applies if you want to change settings for a small number of specific tests.
Since Django 1.4, there are ways to override settings during tests:
TestCase will have a self.settings context ma...
Determine what attributes were changed in Rails after_save callback?
I'm setting up an after_save callback in my model observer to send a notification only if the model's published attribute was changed from false to true. Since methods such as changed? are only useful before the model is saved, the way I'm currently (and unsuccessfully) trying to do so is as fol...
Can someone explain the right way to use SBT?
...tarted, and why?
I think the sane point is to build immunity to sbt gradually.
Make sure you understand:
scopes format {<build-uri>}<project-id>/config:key(for task-key)
the 3 flavors of settings (SettingKey, TaskKey, InputKey) - read the section called "Task Keys" in http://www.sc...
How can I do an asc and desc sort using underscore.js?
You can use .sortBy, it will always return an ascending list:
_.sortBy([2, 3, 1], function(num) {
return num;
}); // [1, 2, 3]
But you can use the .reverse method to get it descending:
var array = _.sortBy([2, 3, 1], function(num) {
return num;
console.log(array); // [1,...
How to read last commit comment?
git log -n
will show you the last n commit messages
More elegantly - if you want a quick overview of your commits
git log --oneline -n
This will Show just the first line of the last n commit messages.
You can sa...
Is there an easy way to request a URL in python and NOT follow redirects?
...st way to do it would be to subclass HTTPRedirectHandler and then use build_opener to override the default HTTPRedirectHandler, but this seems like a lot of (relatively complicated) work to do what seems like it should be pretty simple.
Mismatch Detected for 'RuntimeLibrary'
...racted Crypto++ in C:\cryptopp. I used Visual Studio Express 2012 to build all the projects inside (as instructed in readme), and everything was built successfully. Then I made a test project in some other folder and added cryptolib as a dependency. After that, I added the include path so I can easi...
serve current directory from command line
...also running on a Mac. Tried it with Ruby 1.8.7, 1.9.3 and 2.0.0, and they all work. Weird.
– Daniel Perez Alvarez
Sep 9 '13 at 9:04