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... Having run both queries on a SQL Server 2012 instance, I can confirm the first query was fastest in my case. The query with the LIKE keyword showed a clustered index scan. The CONTAINS also had a clustered index scan with additional operators for the f...

Can I create a One-Time-Use Function in a Script or Stored Procedure?

In SQL Server 2005, is there a concept of a one-time-use, or local function declared inside of a SQL script or Stored Procedure? I'd like to abstract away some complexity in a script I'm writing, but it would require being able to declare a function. ...

How to make a query with group_concat in sql server [duplicate]

I know that in sql server we cannot use Group_concat function but here is one issue i have in which i need to Group_Concat my query.I google it found some logic but not able to correct it.My sql query is ...

Formatting Numbers by padding with leading zeros in SQL Server

We have an old SQL table that was used by SQL Server 2000 for close to 10 years. 13 Answers ...

Retrieve the maximum length of a VARCHAR column in SQL Server

I want to find the longest VARCHAR in a specific column of a SQL Server table. 10 Answers ...

How do I get textual contents from BLOB in Oracle SQL

I am trying to see from an SQL console what is inside an Oracle BLOB. 11 Answers 11 ...

Datatype for storing ip address in SQL Server

What datatype should I choose for storing an IP Address in a SQL Server? 11 Answers 11...

Can I use multiple “with”?

... Try: With DependencedIncidents AS ( SELECT INC.[RecTime],INC.[SQL] AS [str] FROM ( SELECT A.[RecTime] As [RecTime],X.[SQL] As [SQL] FROM [EventView] AS A CROSS JOIN [Incident] AS X WHERE patindex('%' + A.[Col] + '%', X.[SQL]) > 0 )...

Find most frequent value in SQL column

How can I find the most frequent value in a given column in an SQL table? 9 Answers 9 ...

Write a number with two decimal places SQL server

How do you write a number with two decimal places for sql server? 10 Answers 10 ...