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cleanest way to skip a foreach if array is empty [duplicate]

...anguage. PHP variable can store anything, that's why is_array, is_numeric, etc are needed functions. – Daniel Wu Nov 22 '19 at 5:41 add a comment  |  ...

How do PHP sessions work? (not “how are they used?”)

...ions in PHP are started by using the session_start( ) function. Like the setcookie( ) function, the session_start( ) function must come before any HTML, including blank lines, on the page. It will look like this: <?php session_start( );?><html><head> ....... etc The session_star...

How do you debug PHP scripts? [closed]

... Platform. That gives proper debugging, breakpoints/stepping over the code etc., although at a price. share answered Aug 3 '08 at 23:20 ...

Why are functions and methods in PHP case-insensitive?

...parser slowly grew to include conditional tags, then loop tags, functions, etc. At no point did I think I was writing a scripting language. I was simply adding a little bit of functionality to the macro replacement parser. I was still writing all my real business logic in C. I have read somewhere t...

“Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent” [duplicate]

... do in your PHP file (so put it at the absolute beginning, before all HTML etc). share | improve this answer | follow | ...

Loop code for each file in a directory [duplicate]

... Try GLOB() $dir = "/etc/php5/*"; // Open a known directory, and proceed to read its contents foreach(glob($dir) as $file) { echo "filename: $file : filetype: " . filetype($file) . "<br />"; } ...

How does “do something OR DIE()” work in PHP?

... anybody anything or giving you any opportunity to record the event, retry etc. share | improve this answer | follow | ...

Catching an exception while using a Python 'with' statement

...nally: f.close() Used as follows: with opened_w_error("/etc/passwd", "a") as (f, err): if err: print "IOError:", err else: f.write("guido::0:0::/:/bin/sh\n") share | ...

Going from a framework to no-framework [closed]

...code available on Wikipedia. You can also use the httponly attribute with setcookie(). Nothing fancier than basic templating and header-setting is required for new HTTP and HTML5 features: HTTP Strict Transport Security (Helps protect against WiFi exploits.) X-Frame-Options (Restrict embedding of...

Get a list of URLs from a site [closed]

...ery parameters, server-side rewritten URLs, or any kind of include/require/etc. assembling of pages, this won't really work. – T.J. Schuck Jun 24 '11 at 19:41 ...