大约有 40,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0217秒) [XML]


dpi value of default “large”, “medium” and “small” text views android

... See in the android sdk directory. In \platforms\android-X\data\res\values\themes.xml: <item name="textAppearanceLarge">@android:style/TextAppearance.Large</item> <item name="textAppearanceMedium">@android:sty...

Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4)

...ger class. To receive SMS messages, I had to register a receiver in the AndroidMainfest.xml file. Then I had to override the onReceive() method of the BroadcastReceiver . I have included examples below. ...

Android and XMPP: Currently available solutions [closed]

Which XMPP library would be the best choice nowadays for Android development? 7 Answers ...

How to get unique device hardware id in Android? [duplicate]

How to get the unique device ID in Android which cannot be changed when performing a phone reset or OS update? 3 Answers ...

First letter capitalization for EditText

... Statically (i.e. in your layout XML file): set android:inputType="textCapSentences" on your EditText. Programmatically: you have to include InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT in the InputType of the EditText, e.g. EditText editor = new EditText(this); editor.setInputType(InputT...

Cannot create or edit Android Virtual Devices (AVD) from Eclipse, ADT 22.6

...ogle side, this problem found after "ADT 22.6" update. Widely reported on "Android Open Source Project - Issue Tracker" and nobody properly answered it yet. However I was partially successful to create an AVD by opening "AVD manager.exe" from "Android SDK" for creating new AVD try to open directly ...

Android Left to Right slide animation

...this xml in res/anim/ This is for left to right animation: <set xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:shareInterpolator="false"> <translate android:fromXDelta="-100%" android:toXDelta="0%" android:fromYDelta="0%" android:toYDelta="0%" ...

Fragment is not being replaced but put on top of the previous one

... The android developer site suggests the use of a FrameLayout to load fragments dynamically at run-time. You have hard-coded the fragment in your xml file. So it cannot be removed at run-time as mentioned in this link: http://dev...

What is Gradle in Android Studio?

Gradle is a bit confusing to me, and also for any new Android developer. Can anyone explain what Gradle in Android Studio is and what its purpose is? Why is it included in Android Studio? ...

How to install trusted CA certificate on Android device?

I have created my own CA certificate and now I want to install it on my Android Froyo device (HTC Desire Z), so that the device trusts my certificate. ...