大约有 1,900 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0268秒) [XML]


JPA : How to convert a native query result set to POJO class collection

... I have found a couple of solutions to this. Using Mapped Entities (JPA 2.0) Using JPA 2.0 it is not possible to map a native query to a POJO, it can only be done with an entity. For instance: Query query = em.createNativeQuery("SELECT name,age FROM jedi_table", Jedi.class); @SuppressWarnings(...

Android应用内存泄露分析、改善经验总结 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...FileOutputStream使用完后没有关闭,这种问题在Android Studio 2.0中能够通过静态代码分析检查出来,直接改善就可以了; 自定义View中使用TypedArray后,没有recycle,这种问题也可以在Android Studio 2.0中能够通过静态代码分析检查出来...

Differences between action and actionListener

...ht that exceptions in actionListeners are swallowed by default, but in JSF 2.0 this behavior can be altered. See my answer below for details. – Arjan Tijms Dec 19 '10 at 14:23 3 ...

Anonymous method in Invoke call

...need to tell the compiler what type of delegate to create ; MethodInvoker (2.0) or Action (3.5) are common choices (note they have the same signature); like so: control.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate {this.Text = "Hi";}); If you need to pass in parameters, then "captured variables" are the way: ...

How to get numbers after decimal point?

...> frac, whole = math.modf(2.5) >>> frac 0.5 >>> whole 2.0 share | improve this answer | follow | ...

Reducing the space between sections of the UITableView

...duce. try this code It works for me :-) tableView.sectionHeaderHeight = 2.0; tableView.sectionFooterHeight = 2.0; share | improve this answer | follow | ...

SAML: Why is the certificate within the Signature?

...r(assertion.NameTable); ns.AddNamespace("samlp", @"urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol"); ns.AddNamespace("asrt", @"urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion"); ns.AddNamespace("dsig", @"http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#"); // get nodes down to the signature var responseNode = assertion.SelectSingleN...

How do I get hour and minutes from NSDate?

...apple.com/library/ios/documentation/Cocoa/Reference/…: "Available in iOS 2.0 and later." I have definitely use this API for years. – Thomas Müller Feb 3 '15 at 23:32 ...

How to get the name of the calling method?

... In Ruby 2.0.0, you can use: caller_locations(1,1)[0].label It's much faster than the Ruby 1.8+ solution: caller[0][/`([^']*)'/, 1] Will get included in backports when I get the time (or a pull request!). ...

JPA OneToMany not deleting child

... With JPA 2.0, you can now use the option orphanRemoval = true – itsadok Feb 2 '12 at 13:17 2 ...