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Saving utf-8 texts in json.dumps as UTF8, not as \u escape sequence
... d
{1: '\xd7\x91\xd7\xa8\xd7\x99 \xd7\xa6\xd7\xa7\xd7\x9c\xd7\x94', 2: u'\u05d1\u05e8\u05d9 \u05e6\u05e7\u05dc\u05d4'}
>>> s=json.dumps(d, ensure_ascii=False, encoding='utf8')
>>> s
u'{"1": "\u05d1\u05e8\u05d9 \u05e6\u05e7\u05dc\u05d4", "2": "\u05d1\u05e8\u05d9 \u05e6\u05e7\u05dc\...
Converting NSString to NSDate (and back again)
... Another item to watch out for - If your string (date) value is listed as 05/29/2013, your call to setDateFormat will need to match the same - i.e. [dateFormatter setDateFormat:@"MM/dd/yyyy"] - The individual i was helping kept trying to use hyphens when their string data had slashes. - Great answe...
How to compare dates in datetime fields in Postgresql?
...out timezone'. Client can search over this field with only date (i.e: 2013-05-03) or date with time (i.e: 2013-05-03 12:20:00). This column has the value as timestamp for all rows currently and have the same date part(2013-05-03) but difference in time part.
SQL “between” not inclusive
It is inclusive. You are comparing datetimes to dates. The second date is interpreted as midn...
How to add leading zeros for for-loop in shell? [duplicate]
Use the following syntax:
$ for i in {01..05}; do echo "$i"; done
Disclaimer: Leading zeros only work in >=bash-4.
If you want to use printf, nothing prevents you from putting its result in a variable for further use:
$ foo=$(printf "%02d" 5)
$ ech...
Filtering Pandas DataFrames on dates
... Foreever
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answered Apr 6 '14 at 19:32
5,11711 gold badge1...
java.util.Date to XMLGregorianCalendar
...d for producing dates and times in XML format for XML documents. Like 2009-05-07T19:05:45.678+02:00 or 2009-05-07T17:05:45.678Z. These formats agree well enough with ISO 8601 that the classes of java.time, the modern Java date and time API, can produce them, which we prefer.
No conversion necessar...
How to zero pad a sequence of integers in bash so that all have the same width?
...mat the numbers as it outputs the list. For example:
for i in $(seq -f "%05g" 10 15)
echo $i
will produce the following output:
More generally, bash has printf as a built-in so you can pad output with zeroes as follows:
$ i=99
$ printf "%05d\n" $...
Adding minutes to date time in PHP
$minutes_to_add = 5;
$time = new DateTime('2011-11-17 05:05');
$time->add(new DateInterval('PT' . $minutes_to_add . 'M'));
$stamp = $time->format('Y-m-d H:i');
The ISO 8601 standard for duration is a string in the form of P{y}Y{m1}M{d}DT{h}H{m2}M{s}S where the {*} parts...
Generate random numbers with a given (numerical) distribution
...y.random.choice(), e.g.
numpy.random.choice(numpy.arange(1, 7), p=[0.1, 0.05, 0.05, 0.2, 0.4, 0.2])
If you are using Python 3.6 or above, you can use random.choices() from the standard library – see the answer by Mark Dickinson.