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Relational table naming convention [closed]

...e theory. Some of the wonderful things about Standards are: they are all integrated with each other they work together they were written by minds greater than ours, so we do not have to debate them. The standard table name refers to each row in the table, which is used in the all verbiage, n...

PHP function overloading

...um_args() and func_get_arg() to get the arguments passed, and use them normally. For example: function myFunc() { for ($i = 0; $i < func_num_args(); $i++) { printf("Argument %d: %s\n", $i, func_get_arg($i)); } } /* Argument 0: a Argument 1: 2 Argument 2: 3.5 */ myFunc('a', 2, 3...

Batch files - number of command line arguments

...still use shift to count more than 9 ... and without having 10 lines of equally-looking code. – Joey Sep 30 '09 at 13:13 add a comment  |  ...

Installing Python packages from local file system folder to virtualenv with pip

Is it possible to install packages using pip from the local filesystem? 10 Answers 10 ...

What is a Python equivalent of PHP's var_dump()? [duplicate]

...lay a value nicely, you can use the pprint module. The easiest way to dump all variables with it is to do from pprint import pprint pprint(globals()) pprint(locals()) If you are running in CGI, a useful debugging feature is the cgitb module, which displays the value of local variables as part of...

How to get POSTed JSON in Flask?

... First of all, the .json attribute is a property that delegates to the request.get_json() method, which documents why you see None here. You need to set the request content type to application/json for the .json property and .get_jso...

Average of 3 long integers

... This code will work, but isn't that pretty. It first divides all three values (it floors the values, so you 'lose' the remainder), and then divides the remainder: long n = x / 3 + y / 3 + z / 3 + ( x % 3 + y % 3 + z % 3 )...

No ConcurrentList in .Net 4.0?

...read-safe, limited subset of IList<T>: in particular, one that would allow an Add and provide random read-only access by index (but no Insert, RemoveAt, etc., and also no random write access). This was the goal of my ConcurrentList<T> implementation. But when I tested its performance in...

What is a None value?

...n't write the sticker "F", there was already an F sticker on the None, and all you did was move it, from None to "fork". So when you type F = None, you're "reset[ting] it to its original, empty state", if we decided to treat None as meaning empty state. I can see what he's getting at, but that's a...

How can I troubleshoot my Perl CGI script?

...ral framework for working through problems with Perl CGI scripts and originally appeared on Perlmonks as Troubleshooting Perl CGI Scripts. It is not a complete guide to every problem that you may encounter, nor a tutorial on bug squashing. It is just the culmination of my experience debugging CGI ...