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CSS hack大全 - 创意 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...巧大全 ——作者:吴雷君 兼容范围: IE:6.0+,FireFox:2.0+,Opera 10.0+,Sarari 3.0+,Chrome 参考资料: 各游览器常用兼容标记一览表: 标记 IE6 IE7 IE8 FF Opera Sarari [*+><] &radic; ...

Any way to modify Jasmine spies based on arguments?

...on of Jasmine, the syntax is slightly different: 1.3.1: .andCallFake(fn) 2.0: .and.callFake(fn) Resources: withArgs docs callFake docs andCallFake vs and.callFake share | improve this answer...

Sample settings.xml for maven

...ship. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in...

Why doesn't C have unsigned floats?

...rts of problems if there are no negative values. Consider this: float a = 2.0f, b = 10.0f, c; c = a - b; What value does c have? -8. But what would that mean in a system without negative numbers. FLOAT_MAX - 8 perhaps? Actually, that doesn't work as FLOAT_MAX - 8 is FLOAT_MAX due to precision eff...

@Basic(optional = false) vs @Column(nullable = false) in JPA

...clipseLink Architecture Committee Member, TopLink Core Technical Lead, JPA 2.0 Expert Group Member) wrote a good answer on this topic so instead of paraphrasing him, I'll quote his answer: The difference between optional and nullable is the scope at which they are evaluated. The definition o...

CodeFile vs CodeBehind

...ile: You provide the source file with the solution for deployment. ASP.NET 2.0 runtime compiles the code when needed. The compiled files are at Microsoft.NET[.NET version]\Temporary ASP.NET Files. share | ...

How do I create an Excel (.XLS and .XLSX) file in C# without installing Microsoft Office?

... And what about using Open XML SDK 2.0 for Microsoft Office? A few benefits: Doesn't require Office installed Made by Microsoft = decent MSDN documentation Just one .Net dll to use in project SDK comes with many tools like diff, validator, etc Links: Gi...

How to use SCNetworkReachability in Swift

... edit history if somebody needs it.) This is how you would do it in Swift 2.0 (Xcode 7): import SystemConfiguration func connectedToNetwork() -&gt; Bool { var zeroAddress = sockaddr_in() zeroAddress.sin_len = UInt8(sizeofValue(zeroAddress)) zeroAddress.sin_family = sa_family_t(AF_INE...

What's the difference between JPA and Hibernate? [closed]

...uest) which resulted in JPA 1.0 (2006) and eventually JSR 317 which is JPA 2.0 (2009). These are specifications of a generic Java Persistence API. The API is provided in the JDK as a set of interfaces so that your classes can depend on the javax.persistence and not worry about the particular vendor ...

Python 3.x rounding behavior

...d_precision() if true precision with floats is needed GPL 2.0 copywrite by Narnie Harshoe &lt;signupnarnie@gmail.com&gt; ''' place = 10**(places) rounded = (int(number*place + 0.5if number&gt;=0 else -0.5))/place if rounded == int(rounded): rounded = int(...