大约有 40,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0499秒) [XML]
Swift equivalent for MIN and MAX macros
With Swift 5, max(_:_:) and min(_:_:) are part of the Global Numeric Functions. max(_:_:) has the following declaration:
func max<T>(_ x: T, _ y: T) -> T where T : Comparable
You can use it like this with Ints:
let maxInt = max(5,...
How to re-sign the ipa file?
It's really easy to do from the command line. I had a gist of a script for doing this. It has now been incorporated into the ipa_sign script in https://github.com/RichardBronosky/ota-tools which I use daily. If you have any question...
Generating Guids in Ruby
I have problem that is really easily solved with Guids.
10 Answers
Getting the name of a child class in the parent class (static context)
...ot possible. in php4 you could implement a terrible hack (examine the debug_backtrace()) but that method does not work in PHP5. references:
edit: an example of late static binding in PHP 5.3 (mentioned in comments). note there are potential problems in it's current implementat...
Execute method on startup in Spring
...n and it executes just after the startup, but then it will execute periodically.
13 Answers
What is the most “pythonic” way to iterate over a list in chunks?
Finally got a chance to play around with this in a python session. For those who are as confused as I was, this is feeding the same iterator to izip_longest multiple times, causing it to consume successive values of the same seq...
NoClassDefFoundError: android.support.v7.internal.view.menu.MenuBuilder
....v7.** { *; }
-keep interface android.support.v7.** { *; }
with this:
# Allow obfuscation of android.support.v7.internal.view.menu.**
# to avoid problem on Samsung 4.2.2 devices with appcompat v21
# see https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=78377
-keep class !android.support.v7.inter...
Using $_POST to get select option value from HTML
Use this way:
$selectOption = $_POST['taskOption'];
But it is always better to give values to your <option> tags.
<select name="taskOption">
<option value="1">First</option>
<option value="2">Second</option>
Failed to install Python Cryptography package with PIP and setup.py
When I try to install the Cryptography package for Python through either pip install cryptography or by downloading the package from their site and running python setup.py , I get the following error:
How to render a DateTime object in a Twig template
...rs of one nationality. International users should display the game date totally different, like extending the \DateTime class, and adding a __toString() method to it that checks the locale and acts accordingly.
As pointed out by @Nic in a comment, if you use the Intl extension of Twig, you w...