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Prevent a webpage from navigating away using JavaScript
...it is too late). However, using onbeforeunload will interrupt navigation:
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
return "";
Note: An empty string is returned because newer browsers provide a message such as "Any unsaved changes will be lost" that cannot be overridden.
In older browsers you cou...
jQuery - What are differences between $(document).ready and $(window).load?
...s loaded and DOM is ready
console.log("document is ready");
$(window).load(function() {
// executes when complete page is fully loaded, including all frames, objects and images
console.log("window is loaded");
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1....
How do i create an InstallShield LE project to install a windows service?
... different. The biggest difference for me right now is the removal of the Windows Installer project. Now we are being forced to use the InstallShield LE (Limited Edition). The problem here is that I write a ton of Windows Services and I can't see how to setup InstallShield LE. It appears that we (m...
What is the list of possible values for navigator.platform as of today? [closed]
...browser compiled for 16-bit, even though the user is on a 32-bit or 64-bit Windows machine.
Of course W3Schools lists the old definition (I'm not even gonna link to them). W3 and MDN have agreed on a different definition though:
navigator.platform represents the platform on which the browser is exe...
pythonw.exe or python.exe?
If you don't want a terminal window to pop up when you run your program, use pythonw.exe;
Otherwise, use python.exe
Regarding the syntax error: print is now a function in 3.x
So use instead:
Keyboard shortcuts in WPF
... for commands - but for a simple example, just using a static attribute in window.cs):
public static RoutedCommand MyCommand = new RoutedCommand();
Add the shortcut key(s) that should invoke method:
MyCommand.InputGestures.Add(new KeyGesture(Key.S, ModifierKeys.Control));
Create a command bind...
Escape angle brackets in a Windows command prompt
I need to echo a string containing angle brackets (< and >) to a file on a Windows machine. Basically what I want to do is the following:
echo some string < with angle > brackets >>myfile.txt
How to exit a 'git status' list in a terminal?
...ions like git status, git show HEAD, git diff etc. This will not exit your window or end your session.
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Controlling the screenshot in the iOS 7 multitasking switcher
... making a UIImageView with my SplashImage and add it as subview to my main window-
(void)applicationWillResignActive:(UIApplication *)application
imageView = [[UIImageView alloc]initWithFrame:[self.window frame]];
[imageView setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"Portrait(768x1024).png"]];
Can't start hostednetwork
...on the virtual connection -> disable
To fix that go to Device Manager (Windows-key + x + m on windows 8, Windows-key + x then m on windows 10), then open the network adapters tree , right click button on Microsoft Hosted Network Virtual Adapter and click on enable.
Try now with the command ...