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Lock-free multi-threading is for real threading experts

... Most of the classic lock-free structures (lists, queues, concurrent maps, etc) had no spinning even for shared mutable structures, and practical existing implementations of the same in, for example, Java follow the same pattern (I'm not as familiar with what's available in native-compiled C or C++ ...

How are 3D games so efficient? [closed]

...on. Radiosity will also take into account more effects of bouncing lights, etc. but it is computationally expensive - it's a ray tracing technique. This is just one example. There are hundreds of algorithms for real time computer graphics and they are essentially based on good approximations and ty...

How to organize a node app that uses sequelize?

...dels/2"]; // 1 to n paths can be specified here orm.connect(db, user, passwd, options); // initialize the sequelize connection and models Then you can access the models and sequelize like so: var orm = require('sequelize-connect'); var sequelize = orm.sequelize; ...

修改centos字符集导致桌面进不去的一系列问题 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C...

修改centos字符集导致桌面进不去的一系列问题为了使 WINDOWS–PL SQL-LINUX–ORACLE 的字符集一致怎么修改WINDOWS下的 PL SQL 字符集请参看http: user.qzone.qq.com 587...为了使 WINDOWS –PL/SQL-LINUX –ORACLE 的字符集一致 怎么修改WINDOW...

MySQL integer field is returned as string in PHP

...rn $data; } Example usage: $dbconn = mysqli_connect('localhost','user','passwd','tablename'); $rs = mysqli_query($dbconn, "SELECT * FROM Matches"); $matches = cast_query_results($rs); // $matches is now a assoc array of rows properly casted to ints/floats/strings ...

MySQL复制的概述、安装、故障、技巧、工具 - 数据库(内核) - 清泛网 - 专注...

...主机名作为名字,如此一来一旦主机名发生改变,就会出问题,所以推荐指定log_bin(从服务器的relay_log存在一样的问题)。 注:sync_binlog,innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit,innodb_support_xa三个选项都是出于安全目的设置的,不是复制的...

How to write a cron that will run a script every day at midnight?

.../cron.d/myapp-cron # use /bin/bash to run commands, no matter what /etc/passwd says SHELL=/bin/bash # Execute a nightly (11:00pm) cron job to scrub application records 00 23 * * * someuser /opt/myapp/bin/scrubrecords.php ...

通信连接组件 · App Inventor 2 中文网

...)或物联网(IoT)世界的连接设备,以及带宽和电池功率非常高的移动应用的理想选择。 例如,它已被用于通过卫星链路与代理通信的传感器、与医疗服务提供者的拨号连接,以及一系列家庭自动化和小型设备场景。它也是移动应...

理解和配置 Linux 下的 OOM Killer - 操作系统(内核) - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...经常死机,登陆到终端看了一下,都是常见的 Out of memory 问题。这通常是因为某时刻应用程序大量请求 最近有位 VPS 客户抱怨 MySQL 无缘无故挂掉,还有位客户抱怨 VPS 经常死机,登陆到终端看了一下,都是常见的 Out of memory 问...

Setting up FTP on Amazon Cloud Server [closed]

...xample, to create the user 'bret', type: > sudo adduser bret > sudo passwd bret Here's what it will look like: Step #6: Restricting users to their home directories At this point, your FTP users are not restricted to their home directories. That's not very secure, but we can fix it pre...