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Why does String.valueOf(null) throw a NullPointerException?

...s How does polymorph ambiguity distinction work? Which overload will get selected for null in Java? Moral of the story There are several important ones: Effective Java 2nd Edition, Item 41: Use overloading judiciously Just because you can overload, doesn't mean you should every time They ...

urlencode vs rawurlencode?

...ction.rawurlencode.php) Returns a string in which all non-alphanumeric characters except -_.~ have been replaced with a percent (%) sign followed by two hex digits. This is the encoding described in » RFC 3986 for protecting literal characters from being interpreted as special URL delimiters, a...

Merging two arrays in .NET

...ew[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; var arr2 = new[] { 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 }; var arr = arr1.Union(arr2).ToArray(); Keep in mind, this will remove duplicates. If you want to keep duplicates, use Concat. share | im...

New line in Sql Query

...-line-char/ DECLARE @NewLineChar AS CHAR(2) = CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) PRINT ('SELECT FirstLine AS FL ' + @NewLineChar + 'SELECT SecondLine AS SL') share | improve this answer | ...

Unpivot with column name

...hould be able to use the following which includes the subject in the final select list: select u.name, u.subject, u.marks from student s unpivot ( marks for subject in (Maths, Science, English) ) u; See SQL Fiddle with demo ...

Light weight alternative to Hibernate? [closed]

...rt for standard SQL including SQL language features such as UNIONs, nested SELECTs, all types of JOINs, aliasing (e.g. for self-joins), etc Wide support for non-standard SQL including UDT's, stored procedures, vendor-specific functions, etc. Read about jOOQ in this article: http://java.dzone.com/a...

How to get first character of a string in SQL?

... SELECT SUBSTR(thatColumn, 1, 1) As NewColumn from student share | improve this answer | follow ...

Hibernate dialect for Oracle Database 11g?

...e getQuerySequencesString() method, that returns this query: "select sequence_name from user_sequences;" for which the execution returns an empty result from database). Using the dialect org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle9iDialect , or greater, solves the problem, due to a di...

What are the differences between struct and class in C++?

...ate by default. Members of a class defined with the keywords struct or union are public by default. Additional difference: the keyword class can be used to declare template parameters, while the struct keyword cannot be so used. ...

How do I escape a single quote in SQL Server?

...lue] VARCHAR(200) ) INSERT INTO @my_table VALUES ('hi, my name''s tim.') SELECT * FROM @my_table Results value ================== hi, my name's tim. share | improve this answer | ...