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How to log request and response body with Retrofit-Android?

... Retrofit 2.0 : UPDATE: @by Marcus Pöhls Logging In Retrofit 2 Retrofit 2 completely relies on OkHttp for any network operation. Since OkHttp is a peer dependency of Retrofit 2, you won’t need to add an additional dependency once...

What's the difference between OpenID and OAuth?

...h2 can be used for authentication and authorisation. Google APIs use OAuth 2.0 for authentication and authorization. You can also choose to use Google's authentication system as a way to outsource user authentication for your application. The only downside I can see over OpenID is that you have to i...

Ruby on Rails: How do you add add zeros in front of a number if it's under 10?

... how about "%02d" % 9? see http://www.ruby-doc.org/core-2.0/String.html#method-i-25 and http://www.ruby-doc.org/core-2.0/Kernel.html#method-i-sprintf . share | improve this answer...

Why can't an anonymous method be assigned to var?

...Eric Lippert has an old post about it where he says And in fact the C# 2.0 specification calls this out. Method group expressions and anonymous method expressions are typeless expressions in C# 2.0, and lambda expressions join them in C# 3.0. Therefore it is illegal for them to appea...

Swift Beta performance: sorting arrays

...8 Swift 1.2 xcrun swiftc --version Apple Swift version 1.2 (swiftlang-602.0.49.6 clang-602.0.49) Target: x86_64-apple-darwin14.3.0 xcrun -sdk macosx swiftc -O SwiftSort.swift ./SwiftSort Elapsed time: 0.738763988018036 Swift 2.0 xcrun swiftc --version Apple Swift version 2.0 (swiftlang-7...

How to compare software version number using js? (only number)

...pare("2", "1")); console.log(compare("1.0", "1.0")); console.log(compare("2.0", "1.0")); console.log(compare("1.0", "2.0")); console.log(compare("1.0.1", "1.0")); share | improve this answer ...

Possible to iterate backwards through a foreach?

.... IList) you should definitely use a for loop instead. If you are on .NET 2.0 and cannot use a for loop (i.e. you just have an IEnumerable) then you will just have to write your own Reverse function. This should work: static IEnumerable<T> Reverse<T>(IEnumerable<T> input) { r...

Why does only the first line of this Windows batch file execute but all three lines execute in a com

...ll mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=gdata -DartifactId=blogger -Dversion=2.0 -Dfile=gdata-blogger-2.0.jar -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true call mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=gdata -DartifactId=blogger-meta -Dversion=2.0 -Dfile=gdata-blogger-meta-2.0.jar -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true ...

When to use f:viewAction / preRenderView versus PostConstruct?

...mely, they are not available at the moment the @PostConstruct runs. In JSF 2.0/2.1, this tag didn't exist and you have to use the preRenderView workaround. If the backing bean is @RequestScoped, do they effectively do the exact same thing? (and so then it is up to developer choice? (@PostConstruct ...

tcp加速技术解决方案 - 操作系统(内核) - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...弊端 慢启动,指数增加(有可能被推迟确认),http/2.0通过减少连接数来避免慢启动,上图经过4个RTT时间cwnd从1个MSS增加到慢启动阈值16 增加到慢启动阈值后,线性增加慢。 在一个RTT时间内收到所有确认只能增加1个MSS 丢...