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Design Patterns web based applications [closed]

...e conversion, validation and value change events. This is how among others JSF, Wicket and Play! works. As a side note, hobbying around with a homegrown MVC framework is a very nice learning exercise, and I do recommend it as long as you keep it for personal/private purposes. But once you go profe...

Modify request parameter with servlet filter

...modify the source. I've decided to write a servlet filter to sanitize the parameter before it is seen by the page. 8 Answe...

How to find out client ID of component for ajax update/render? Cannot find component with expression

...er, do a rightclick and View Source. Locate the HTML representation of the JSF component of interest and take its id as client ID. You can use it in an absolute or relative way depending on the current naming container. See following chapter. Note: if it happens to contain iteration index like :0:,...

Where to place and how to read configuration resource files in servlet based application?

... Ex: In web.xml file the tag <context-param> <param-name>chatpropertyfile</param-name> <!-- Name of the chat properties file. It contains the name and description of rooms.--> <param-value&gt...

Difference between getAttribute() and getParameter()

What is the difference between getAttribute() and getParameter() methods within HttpServletRequest class? 10 Answers ...

How to reference constants in EL?

...hat this facility is only available in JSP and not in Facelets. In case of JSF+Facelets, your best bet is using OmniFaces <o:importConstants> as below: <o:importConstants type="com.example.YourConstants" /> Or adding an EL context listener which calls ImportHandler#importClass() as be...

What is the difference between Tomcat, JBoss and Glassfish?

...at is now Java EE 6 Web Profile certified via TomEE and supports EJB, CDI, JSF, JPA, and more. – David Blevins Jul 24 '12 at 17:35 10 ...

Maven dependency for Servlet 3.0 API?

...ar includes Servlet 3.0, EJB Lite 3.1, JPA 2.0, JSP 2.2, EL 1.2, JSTL 1.2, JSF 2.0, JTA 1.1, JSR-45, JSR-250. But to my knowledge, nothing allows to say that these APIs won't be distributed separately (in java.net repository or somewhere else). For example (ok, it may a particular case), the JSF 2....

Examples of GoF Design Patterns in Java's core libraries

...hus) javax.faces.component.UIComponent#getChildren() (practically all over JSF UI thus) Decorator (recognizeable by creational methods taking an instance of same abstract/interface type which adds additional behaviour) All subclasses of java.io.InputStream, OutputStream, Reader and Writer have a c...

Why would I use a templating engine? jsp include and jstl vs tiles, freemarker, velocity, sitemesh

... JSP compiler. This means that one of the most annoying things I had with JSF 1.1 - having to change the id-attribute on a surrounding JSF-tag when saving a change in order for the runtime engine to discover the change - went away, giving the save-in-editor, reload-in-browser cycle back, along with...