大约有 15,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0097秒) [XML]


How to set up a Subversion (SVN) server on GNU/Linux - Ubuntu [closed]

...S), skipping the step mkdir /var/svn 7: Add an authenticated user sudo htpasswd -c -m /etc/apache2/dav_svn.passwd $user_name 8: Enable and configure WebDAV and SVN: sudo kate /etc/apache2/mods-available/dav_svn.conf Add or uncomment: <Location /svn> DAV svn # for multiple repositories...

How to thoroughly purge and reinstall postgresql on ubuntu? [closed]

... I've reworked the answer to remove advice to hand edit /etc/passwd and /etc/group in favour of safer userdel and groupdel. Also, rather than using dselect for hand-selection of packages, use an apt wildcard to match them reliably. – Craig Ringer ...

How to create a new database after initally installing oracle database 11g Express Edition?

...me=%app_name%_db set db_sid=%db_name%_sid set db_ins=%db_name%_ins set sys_passwd=x3y5z7 set system_passwd=1x4y9z set max_log_files=32 set max_log_members=4 set max_log_history=100 set max_data_files=254 set max_instances=1 set version_dir=%ora_dir%\%version% set db_dir=%version_dir%\%db_name% se...

Download attachments using Java Mail

...uction code -- a malicious email can easily contain this filename: "../etc/passwd", or any other path: They can overwrite _ANY_ file on the system that this code has write access to! // File f = new File("/tmp/" + bodyPart.getFileName()); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(f); ...

Read entire file in Scala?

... the party, but I'd hate for people not to know they can do "io.File("/etc/passwd").slurp" in trunk. – psp Aug 26 '09 at 3:48 28 ...

What are the uses of the exec command in shell scripts? [closed]

... without access to the shell. We could change the sign-in program in /etc/passwd, but maybe we want environment setting to be used from start-up files. So, in (say) .profile, the last statement says something like: exec appln-program so now there is no shell to go back to. Even if appln-progr...

windows版 svn 服务器搭建及总结 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

... -- /conf目录下 用于存放本svn库的全局访问控制信息。 passwd文件 -- /conf目录下 用于存放本svn库的用户名和密码。 authz -- /conf目录下 用于存放本svn库的访问授权信息。 这里需要注意的地方: SVN中的这几个配置文件 是不...

Can you run GUI applications in a Docker container?

... xvfb firefox RUN mkdir ~/.vnc # Setup a password RUN x11vnc -storepasswd 1234 ~/.vnc/passwd # Autostart firefox (might not be the best way to do it, but it does the trick) RUN bash -c 'echo "firefox" >> /.bashrc' This will create a Docker container running VNC with the password ...

send/post xml file using curl command line

...o the server, where 'password' is the name of the form-field to which /etc/passwd will be the input: curl -F password=@/etc/passwd www.mypasswords.com So in your case, this would be something like curl -F file=@/some/file/on/your/local/disk http://localhost:8080 ...

How do I execute any command editing its file (argument) “in place” using bash?

... sponge(1), which lets you do things like this: % sed "s/root/toor/" /etc/passwd | grep -v joey | sponge /etc/passwd However, sponge suffers from the same problem Steve Jessop comments on here. If any of the commands in the pipeline before sponge fail, then the original file will be written over...