大约有 40,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0288秒) [XML]
LISTAGG in Oracle to return distinct values
19c and later:
select listagg(distinct the_column, ',') within group (order by the_column)
from the_table
18c and earlier:
select listagg(the_column, ',') within group (order by the_column)
from (
select distinct the_column
from the_table
) t
If you need more columns, something like...
Does MongoDB's $in clause guarantee order
When using MongoDB's $in clause, does the order of the returned documents always correspond to the order of the array argument?
How to Sort Multi-dimensional Array by Value?
How can I sort this array by the value of the "order" key? Even though the values are currently sequential, they will not always be.
How to change column order in a table using sql query in sql server 2005?
How to change column order in a table using SQL query in SQL Server 2005?
21 Answers
How is Pythons glob.glob ordered?
It is probably not sorted at all and uses the order at which entries appear in the filesystem, i.e. the one you get when using ls -U. (At least on my machine this produces the same order as listing glob matches).
ActiveRecord.find(array_of_ids), preserving order
When you do Something.find(array_of_ids) in Rails, the order of the resulting array does not depend on the order of array_of_ids .
SQL multiple column ordering
ORDER BY column1 DESC, column2
This sorts everything by column1 (descending) first, and then by column2 (ascending, which is the default) whenever the column1 fields for two or more rows are equal.
Order of event handler execution
Currently, they are executed in the order they are registered. However, this is an implementation detail, and I would not rely on this behavior staying the same in future versions, since it is not required by specifications.
Good ways to sort a queryset? - Django
What about
import operator
auths = Author.objects.order_by('-score')[:30]
ordered = sorted(auths, key=operator.attrgetter('last_name'))
In Django 1.4 and newer you can order by providing multiple fields.
Reference: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/models/querysets...
Preferred order of writing latitude & longitude tuples in GIS services
EPSG:4326 specifically states that the coordinate order should be latitude, longitude. Many software packages still use longitude, latitude ordering. This situation has wreaked unimaginable havoc on project deadlines and programmer sanity.
The best guidance one can offer is...