大约有 3,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0213秒) [XML]
GSON - Date format
...t produce timestamps, but this serializer/deserializer-pair seems to work
JsonSerializer<Date> ser = new JsonSerializer<Date>() {
public JsonElement serialize(Date src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext
context) {
return src == null ? null : new Js...
Storing Objects in HTML5 localStorage
...': 3 };
// Put the object into storage
localStorage.setItem('testObject', JSON.stringify(testObject));
// Retrieve the object from storage
var retrievedObject = localStorage.getItem('testObject');
console.log('retrievedObject: ', JSON.parse(retrievedObject));
How to ignore a property in class if null, using json.net
I am using Json.NET to serialize a class to JSON.
14 Answers
Gson - convert from Json to a typed ArrayList
Using the Gson library, how do I convert a JSON string to an ArrayList of a custom class JsonLog ? Basically, JsonLog is an interface implemented by different kinds of logs made by my Android app--SMS logs, call logs, data logs--and this ArrayList is a collection of all of them. I keep gettin...
Converting Go struct to JSON
I am trying to convert a Go struct to JSON using the json package but all I get is {} . I am certain it is something totally obvious but I don't see it.
Javascript: How to generate formatted easy-to-read JSON straight from an object? [duplicate]
I know how to generate JSON from an object using JSON.stringify, or in my case the handy jquery-json from google code ( https://github.com/krinkle/jquery-json ).
How to exclude property from Json Serialization
...only the Id and the Name properties will be serialized, thus the resulting JSON object would look like this:
{ Id: 3, Name: 'Test User' }
PS. Don't forget to add a reference to "System.Web.Extensions" for this to work
How do I serialize a C# anonymous type to a JSON string?
I'm attempting to use the following code to serialize an anonymous type to JSON:
8 Answers
String to object in JS
Actually, the best solution is using JSON:
JSON.parse(text[, reviver]);
var myobj = JSON.parse('{ "hello":"world" }');
alert(myobj.hello); // 'world'
var myobj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify({
hello: "world"
send Content-Type: application/json post with node.js
...uri: 'https://www.googleapis.com/urlshortener/v1/url',
method: 'POST',
json: {
"longUrl": "http://www.google.com/"
request(options, function (error, response, body) {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
console.log(body.id) // Print the shortened url.