大约有 2,948 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0233秒) [XML]


update package.json version automatically

Before I do a small release and tag it, I'd like to update the package.json to reflect the new version of the program. 11 A...

How to clean node_modules folder of packages that are not in package.json?

...ume I install project packages with npm install that looks into package.json for modules to be installed. After a while I see that I don't need some specific module and remove its dependency from package.json . Then I remove some other modules from package.json because they are not needed any...

How to respond with HTTP 400 error in a Spring MVC @ResponseBody method returning String?

I'm using Spring MVC for a simple JSON API, with @ResponseBody based approach like the following. (I already have a service layer producing JSON directly.) ...

Convert Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray to a list of specific object type

I have the following variable of type {Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray} . 6 Answers 6 ...

google protocol buffers vs json vs XML [closed]

... Json human readable/editable can be parsed without knowing schema in advance excellent browser support less verbose than XML XML human readable/editable can be parsed without knowing schema in advance standard for SOAP ...

8 种提升 ASP.NET Web API 性能的方法 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...将介绍8项提高 ASP.NET Web API 性能的技术。 1) 使用最快的 JSON 序列化工具 JSON 的序列化对整个 ASP.NET Web API 的性能有着关键性的影响。 在我的一个项目里,我从 JSON.NET 序列化工具转到了 ServiceStack.Text 有一年半了。 我测量过,We...

mqtt 接收的信息为json格式 怎么将json 信息解析出来显示在指定的文本上 ...

需要解析的JSON 格式 接收的信息,通过JSON解析后 把WD 的参数24 解读出来 显示到文本上 代码如下: 注意:此代码块是右键导出的png,具有还原代码块的功能,无需手动一个个处理。 具体还原方法请参考:https:...

JavaScript/jQuery to download file via POST with JSON data

...n do you get rid of the files). And like you, my data was complex, nested JSON objects that would be hard to put into a form. What I did was create two server functions. The first validated the data. If there was an error, it would be returned. If it was not an error, I returned all of the para...

differences in application/json and application/x-www-form-urlencoded

... The first case is telling the web server that you are posting JSON data as in: { Name : 'John Smith', Age: 23} The second option is telling the web server that you will be encoding the parameters in the URL as in: Name=John+Smith&Age=23 ...

How to get key names from JSON using jq

... You can use: $ jq 'keys' file.json $ cat file.json: { "Archiver-Version" : "Plexus Archiver", "Build-Id" : "", "Build-Jdk" : "1.7.0_07", "Build-Number" : "", "Build-Tag" : "", "Built-By" : "cporter", "Created-By" : "Apache Maven", "Implementation-Titl...