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What is the correct file extension for GLSL shaders? [closed]

...n the strictest sense. It does bear mentioning that Sublime (confirmed for v2 and v3) also expects .vert and .frag for syntax highlighting and validation. share | improve this answer | ...

Remove local git tags that are no longer on the remote repository

... Looks like recentish versions of Git (I'm on git v2.20) allow one to simply say git fetch --prune --prune-tags Much cleaner! https://git-scm.com/docs/git-fetch#_pruning You can also configure git to always prune tags when fetching: git config fetch.pruneTags true If...

How do I install Maven with Yum?

...ld get via jpackage was maven.noarchtbd which was v1.1 or maven2 which was v2.0.4 ... your alternate instructions helped a lot to get me to maven v3 :) – pulkitsinghal Sep 17 '12 at 0:23 ...

Stashing only staged changes in git - is it possible?

...m "My work in progress" -- $(git diff --staged --name-only) Tested on v2.17.1 and v2.21.0.windows.1 Limitations: Please be aware that this will stash every single thing, if you have no files staged. Also if you have a file that is only partially staged ( i.e. only some changed l...

Is it possible to create a remote repo on GitHub from the CLI without opening browser?

... did: curl -F 'login=username' -F 'token=API Token' https://github.com/api/v2/yaml/repos/create -F name=reponame. Your API Token can be found on the GitHub site, click Account Settings, look for Administrative Information and API Token (32 character long string). – anddoutoi ...

How can I replace every occurrence of a String in a file with PowerShell?

....txt).replace('[MYID]', 'MyValue') | Set-Content c:\temp\test.txt Or for V2: (Get-Content c:\temp\test.txt) -replace '\[MYID\]', 'MyValue' | Set-Content c:\temp\test.txt share | improve this ans...

Path to MSBuild

...ell.Core\Registry MSBuildToolsPath : C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\ PSPath : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSBuild\ToolsVersions\2.0 PSParentPath : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\M...

Is it possible to cherry-pick a commit from another git repository?

...k. More info about working with remotes here: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Basics-Working-with-Remotes share | improve this answer | follow | ...

Sequence-zip function for c++11?

...main () { std::vector<int> v1{1,2,3}; std::vector<int> v2{3,2,1}; std::vector<float> v3{1.2,2.4,9.0}; std::vector<float> v4{1.2,2.4,9.0}; zip ( [](int i,int j,float k,float l){ std::cout << i << " " << j <&...

Tar a directory, but don't store full absolute paths in the archive

... Seems -C option upto tar v2.8.3 does not work consistently on all the platforms (OSes). -C option is said to add directory to the archive but on Mac and Ubuntu it adds absolute path prefix inside generated tar.gz file. tar target_path/file.tar.gz -C...