大约有 20,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0265秒) [XML]


Discuz 证件类型下拉框不显示的解决方法 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...拉框是不是出来了?是不是很神奇? 前台程序代码没得问题的,放心使用! 找到文件 \source\admincp\admincp_members.php ,搜索代码共两处: C::t('common_member_profile_setting')->update('idcardtype', $setarr); 改为: C::t('common_member_profile_set...

PHPphp://input” vs $_POST

I have been directed to use the method php://input instead of $_POST when interacting with Ajax requests from JQuery. What I do not understand is the benefits of using this vs the global method of $_POST or $_GET . ...

Naming cookies - best practices [closed]

...l three global arrays (!), with precedence depending on how your variables_order setting is set in php.ini. In other words, if you have a _COOKIE named "x" and a querystring param named "x", and you ask for $_REQUEST["x"], you get the cookie value when you might want/expect the GET param. This is es...

What is SQL injection? [duplicate]

...t data is valid. Do a code review to check for the possibility of second-order attacks. Use parameterised queries. Use stored procedures. Re-validate data in stored procedures. Ensure that error messages give nothing away about the internal architecture

Get absolute path of initially run script

...e one silver bullet way to get the absolute path of the executed script in PHP? For me, the script will run from the command line, but, a solution should function just as well if run within Apache etc. ...

可重入函数、不可重入函数及线程安全 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...区,中断向量表等,所以它如果被中断的话,可能会出现问题,这类函数是不能运行在多任务环境下的。 可重入函数也可以这样理解,重入即表示重复进入,首先它意味着这个函数可以被中断,其次意味着它除了使用自己栈上...

On delete cascade with doctrine2

I'm trying to make a simple example in order to learn how to delete a row from a parent table and automatically delete the matching rows in the child table using Doctrine2. ...

When do I use the PHP constant “PHP_EOL”?

When is it a good idea to use PHP_EOL ? 19 Answers 19 ...

How to benchmark efficiency of PHP script

...cript (preg_match vs strpos for example) has to output the same results in order to qualify your test. You can use: jmeter ApacheBench tool (see an example) dbench http_load curl-loader httperf siege vegeta the code you use is good too but with a bigger loop (like 1,000,000) ...

download file using an ajax request

... the DOM, and reference it as my link rather than create one on the fly in order for the file to download automatically. – Erik Donohoo May 31 '17 at 20:49 ...