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PHP array: count or sizeof?

To find the number of elements in a PHP $array , which is faster/better/stronger? 7 Answers ...

get UTC time in PHP

How can I get UTC/GMT +/- time stamp using PHP's date() function? For example, if I try 12 Answers ...

Running a Python script from PHP

I'm trying to run a Python script from PHP using the following command: 9 Answers 9 ...

Fastest way to convert string to integer in PHP

Using PHP, what's the fastest way to convert a string like this: "123" to an integer? 8 Answers ...

How to read a large file line by line?

...od would stop without reaching the end of file. The Example #1 on this URL php.net/manual/en/function.fgets.php suggests that fgets sometimes can return boolean false even though end of file has yet not been reached. In the comment section on that page people report that fgets() doesn't always retur...

How to send a GET request from PHP?

I'm planning to use PHP for a simple requirement. I need to download a XML content from a URL, for which I need to send HTTP GET request to that URL. ...

Returning JSON from a PHP Script

I want to return JSON from a PHP script. 18 Answers 18 ...

Remove .php extension with .htaccess

...sion with Apache mod_rewrite should work fine. Re 1) Change the .html to .php Re a.) Yup, that's possible, just add #tab to the URL. Re b.) That's possible using QSA (Query String Append), see below. This should also work in a sub-directory path: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}.php -f RewriteRu...

PHP “pretty print” json_encode [duplicate]

...a script that creates a JSON file. Right now I'm just using json_encode (PHP 5.2.x) to encode an array into JSON output. Then I print the returned value to a file and save it. Problem is that the client wants to be able to open these JSON files for readability, so I'd like to add line breaks in an...

How to get the file extension in PHP? [duplicate]

... 'Only variables should be passed by reference', the PHP Manual – dader Dec 20 '12 at 2:01 ...