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Using Git with an existing Xcode project

...d . git commit -m "Initial commit" Restart Xcode. The repository should now be set up, and you will be able to manage it in xcode 4. share | improve this answer | follow ...

Feedback on using Google App Engine? [closed]

...t for creating apps which do not need lot of background processing. Edit: Now task queues can be used for running batch processing or scheduled tasks Edit: after working/creating a real application on GAE for a year, now my opnion is that unless you are making a application which needs to scale to...

Git - Undo pushed commits

...some commited changes already pushed to remote and pulled from the server. Now, I want to undo those changes. So I could just git checkout to the commit before the changes and commit the new changes, but I'm guessing that there will be problems to push them again to remote. Any suggestion on how s...

Python: reload component Y imported with 'from X import Y'?

... Wow. I found this really handy. Thanks! I use this as one liner now: import X; reload( X ); from X import Y – otterb Apr 23 '14 at 22:26 1 ...

Spring - @Transactional - What happens in background?

I want to know what actually happens when you annotate a method with @Transactional ? Of course, I know that Spring will wrap that method in a Transaction. ...

How do I get the current date and time in PHP?

... Since PHP 5.2.0 you can use the DateTime() class: use \Datetime; $now = new DateTime(); echo $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // MySQL datetime format echo $now->getTimestamp(); // Unix Timestamp -- Since PHP 5.3 And to specify the timezone: $now = new DateTime(null, new D...

How to store date/time and timestamps in UTC time zone with JPA and Hibernate

... With Hibernate 5.2, you can now force the UTC time zone using the following configuration property: <property name="hibernate.jdbc.time_zone" value="UTC"/> For more details, check out this article. ...

What are metaclasses in Python?

...try.register(self, self.interfaces) print "Would register class %s now." % self def __add__(self, other): class AutoClass(self, other): pass return AutoClass # Alternatively, to autogenerate the classname as well as the class: # return type(se...

How do I pass JavaScript variables to PHP?

...current page PHP code... PHP code runs at the server side, and it doesn't know anything about what is going on on the client side. You need to pass variables to PHP code from the HTML form using another mechanism, such as submitting the form using the GET or POST methods. <DOCTYPE html> <...

How to avoid reverse engineering of an APK file?

...t the source code in my APK file? As everyone says, and as you probably know, there's no 100% security. But the place to start for Android, that Google has built in, is ProGuard. If you have the option of including shared libraries, you can include the needed code in C++ to verify file sizes, inte...