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Get OS-level system information

...w that this topic is quite outdated. BUT: If you really need the amount of cpu cores, then do not use this solution. I have a dual-core CPU with two threads for each core. The JVM does not return the hardware cores, but rather the software cores/threads. – F_Schmidt ...

What does Python's eval() do?

... I have 8 cores so I would want a list [1, 8]. >>>from os import cpu_count >>>eval('[1, cpu_count()]') [1, 8] Likewise all of __builtins__ is available. >>>eval('abs(-1)') 1 Ok. So there we see one function we want exposed and an example of one (of many that can be m...

30条爆笑的程序员梗 PHP是最好的语言 - 轻松一刻 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...:你可以走了。 我感到很诧异。 我:为什么问这样的问题? 民警:深夜还在街上走,寒酸苦逼的样子,不是小偷就是程序员。 14.烦恼 程序猿最烦两件事,第一件事是别人要他给自己的代码写文档,第二件呢?是别人的程序没...

解决WaitForSingleObject阻塞UI线程的问题 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

解决WaitForSingleObject阻塞UI线程的问题WaitForSingleObjec 等待线程结束时会阻塞UI线程,导致界面不响应鼠标操作。解决原理:等待过程中对消息队列中消息进行转发处理。代码如下...WaitForSingleObjec 等待线程结束时会阻塞UI线程,导致...

解决IIS发布时global_asax的dll 的CS0433冲突问题 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - ...

解决IIS发布时global_asax的dll 的CS0433冲突问题Server Error in ' ' Application.Compilation ErrorDescription:An error occurred during the compilation of a re...Server Error in '/' Application. Compilation ErrorDescription: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required t...

C语言面试那些事儿──一道指针与数组问题 - c++1y / stl - 清泛IT社区,为创新赋能!

...言指针较晦涩和难懂的地方。 理解了这两点的话,上述问题则十分简单:a + 1:现在把a看作一个指针,指针+1操作,根据C语言语义,实际增加偏移量的是指针指向类型的长度,即32位机器下的int型,即4字节,故a+1就是&a[1],...

Difference between 'self' and 'total' in Chrome CPU Profile of JS

...hat is the difference between the 'self' and 'total' columns in the Chrome CPU profiling of JS code? 2 Answers ...

Difference between global and device functions

... __global__ - Runs on the GPU, called from the CPU or the GPU*. Executed with <<<dim3>>> arguments. __device__ - Runs on the GPU, called from the GPU. Can be used with variabiles too. __host__ - Runs on the CPU, called from the CPU. *) __global__ funct...

BLE(一)概述&工作流程&常见问题 - 创客硬件开发 - 清泛IT社区,...

...与前面几代不同的是,蓝牙4.0版引入的BLE协议更注重功耗问题,而非通信速率的提升。这也使得低功耗蓝牙更加节能,能使设备的电池维持很长时间,因此在很多可穿戴设备中得到了应用。 0x2 BLE工作流程0x21 工作过程蓝牙适用...

How do I fix “Failed to sync vcpu reg” error?

...nstance, and my emulator started right up. FYI my virtual device was using CPU/ABI=x86, and I was running on a macbook pro. – guyland123 Nov 20 '15 at 13:45 3 ...