大约有 46,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0445秒) [XML]
.NET String.Format() to add commas in thousands place for a number
String.Format("{0:n}", 1234); // Output: 1,234.00
String.Format("{0:n0}", 9876); // No digits after the decimal point. Output: 9,876
show all tags in git log
... namespace) is purely local matter; what one repository has in 'refs/tags/v0.1.3', other can have in 'refs/tags/sub/v0.1.3' for example.
So when you create signed tag 'A', you have the following situation (assuming that it points at some commit)
35805ce <--- 5b7b4ead <=== refs/t...
what does -webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0); exactly do? Apply to body?
what does -webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0); exactly do?
Does it have any performance issues? Should I just apply it to the body or individual elements? It seems to improve scroll events drastically.
Resolve Type from Class Name in a Different Assembly
...assembly name like such:
Type.GetType("System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089");
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Performance of Arrays vs. Lists
List/for: 1971ms (589725196)
Array/for: 1864ms (589725196)
List/foreach: 3054ms (589725196)
Array/foreach: 1860ms (589725196)
based on the test rig:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
static class Program
static void Main()
iPad Safari scrolling causes HTML elements to disappear and reappear with a delay
...ou can do this with an empty 3d transform:
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0)
Particularly, you'll need this on child elements that have a position:relative; declaration (or, just go all out and do it to all child elements).
Not a guaranteed fix, but fairly successful most of the time.
Hat t...
Why is (object)0 == (object)0 different from ((object)0).Equals((object)0)?
...Int32.Equals and this checks for a boxed integer. Both integer values are 0 hence they are equal
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Differences between Oracle JDK and OpenJDK
... |
edited Oct 14 '18 at 3:08
Willi Mentzel
18.6k1212 gold badges7979 silver badges9393 bronze badges
Replacing NULL with 0 in a SQL server query
...ults for the first three columns I get NULL . How can I replace it with 0 ?
11 Answers
Empty arrays seem to equal true and false at the same time
3,6042020 silver badges3030 bronze badges
answered Mar 30 '11 at 20:10