大约有 35,406 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0401秒) [XML]
How to horizontally center a
You can apply this CSS to the inner <div>:
#inner {
width: 50%;
margin: 0 auto;
Of course, you don't have to set the width to 50%. Any width less than the containing <div> will work. The margin: 0 auto is what does the actual centering.
If you are targeting Internet Explor...
Join between tables in two different databases?
edited Jun 20 '14 at 14:20
41.4k1111 gold badges7474 silver badges9999 bronze badges
Creating a new directory in C
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
struct stat st = {0};
if (stat("/some/directory", &st) == -1) {
mkdir("/some/directory", 0700);
You can see the manual of these functions with the man 2 stat and man 2 mkdir commands.
Usage of sys.stdout.flush() method
Haldean BrownHaldean Brown
10.4k44 gold badges3636 silver badges5555 bronze badges
How do I check if a list is empty?
... |
edited May 28 at 18:08
answered Sep 10 '08 at 6:28
What is the difference between SqlCommand.CommandTimeout and SqlConnection.ConnectionTimeout?
...ng relatively long-running queries - it's perfectly okay for them to take 10 minutes to complete, but if it took 10 minutes to make the connection to start with, you'd know that something was badly wrong.
MySql Table Insert if not exist otherwise update
...NSERT INTO AggregatedData (datenum,Timestamp)
VALUES ("734152.979166667","2010-01-14 23:30:00.000")
improve this answer
How to increase the Java stack size?
...works for me and with far less than 999MB of stack:
> java -Xss4m Test
(Windows JDK 7, build 17.0-b05 client VM, and Linux JDK 6 - same version information as you posted)
improve thi...
Detecting if an NSString contains…?
...geOfString:@"is " options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch];
if(isRange.location == 0) {
//found it...
} else {
NSRange isSpacedRange = [someString rangeOfString:@" is " options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch];
if(isSpacedRange.location != NSNotFound) {
//found it...
You can easily add this ...
How to list of all the tables defined for the database when using active record?
answered Oct 1 '08 at 0:34
François BeausoleilFrançois Beausoleil
15.2k1111 gold badges6262 silver badges8282 bronze badges