大约有 3,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0157秒) [XML]


Eclipse RCP Plug-in开发自学教程(Eclipse3.6) - 文档下载 - 清泛网 - ...

.............................................................67 6.5 实例:文本编辑器实现 .............................................................................................................68 6.5.1 新建工程 ..........................................................................

Error in finding last used cell in Excel with VBA

... is not detected even by UsedRange. Accounting for this would require some VBA programming. As to your specific question: What's the reason behind this? Your code uses the first cell in your range E4:E48 as a trampoline, for jumping down with End(xlDown). The "erroneous" output will obtain if...

实战Nginx与PHP(FastCGI)的安装、配置与优化 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注...

...为/usr/local/php/etc/php-fpm.conf。 php-fpm.conf是一个XML格式的纯文本文件,其内容很容易看明白。这里重点介绍几个重要的配置标签: 标签listen_address是配置fastcgi进程监听的IP地址以及端口,默认是127.0.0.1:9000。 <value name="listen_addre...

Scripting Language vs Programming Language [closed]

... used without an explicit compilation step): Lua JavaScript VBScript and VBA Perl And a small smattering of ones traditionally used with an explicit compilation step: C C++ D Java (but note that Java is compiled to bytecode, which is then interpreted and/or recompiled at runtime) Pascal ...a...

What is the difference between .text, .value, and .value2?

...Value2 except if the cell was formatted as currency or date it gives you a VBA currency (which may truncate decimal places) or VBA date. Using .Value or .Text is usually a bad idea because you may not get the real value from the cell, and they are slower than .Value2 For a more extensive discussio...

win7 安装项目管理工具redmine2.5.1 - 开源 & Github - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...ne'@'localhost'; flush PRIVILEGES; d) 修改redmine连接数据库文件: redmine目录下的config/database.yml.example 改为config/database.yml 修改production一段: production: adapter: mysql2 database: redmine host: localhost username: root password: my_p...

使用虚拟现实和App Inventor进行实验 · App Inventor 2 中文网

...供将来参考。模型使用 ActivityStarter 的 DataUri 属性指定。文本使用 ActivityStarter ExtraValue 属性和关键字纹理指定。这里的问题是,MITVRHelper 最终忽略了纹理输入,因为 3D 引擎期望找到纹理文件的位置存在限制。我们将在未来的版...

Unicode and UTF-8 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...用双字节编码,可以快速对字符进行定位及计算,如一个文本文件,可以通过获得其文件大小/2即可计算得知包含的字符数。Java默认使用UTF-16 BE编码。 那么为什么会出现utf-8呢: 1)、和ASCII码不兼容,而且不太好移植(Not Portabl...

正确重置MySQL密码 - 数据库(内核) - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...,重启一次即可: 首先需要把用到的SQL语句保存到一个文本文件里(/path/to/init/file): UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('...') WHERE User='...' AND Host= '...'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; 接着使用init-file参数启动MySQL服务, shell> /etc/init.d/mysql stop s...

Win7以上操作系统清理系统图标缓存脚本 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...a\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer\thumbcache_sr.db" 保存上述脚本到文本文件中,把文件后缀面改为.bat,双击执行即可。清理 图标缓存