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App Inventor 2 如何下载/保存网络图片? - App Inventor 2 中文网 - 清泛...
App Inventor 2 如何下载/保存网络图片?ai2_down_webpics首先,需要使用Web客户端组件,需要和网络url进行数据交互的场景就要考虑使用它,Web客户端组件在通信连接抽屉中:设置好网络图片的url,然后执行Get方法即可,代码如下:其...
App Inventor 2 如何下载/保存网络图片? · App Inventor 2 中文网
App Inventor 2 如何下载/保存网络图片?
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首先,需要使用 Web客户端 组件,需要和网络url进行数据交互的场景就要考虑使用它,Web客户端 组件在...
How to terminate a python subprocess launched with shell=True
I'm launching a subprocess with the following command:
12 Answers
How to determine the encoding of text?
...et was used. Is there a way to determine the encoding of a text file using Python? How can I detect the encoding/codepage of a text file deals with C#.
Timeout on a function call
I'm calling a function in Python which I know may stall and force me to restart the script.
18 Answers
Revert the `--no-site-packages` option with virtualenv
...tual environment.
Where venv is the name of your virtual environment, and python3.4 corresponds to whichever version of python involved, for example:
$ rm venv/lib/python3.4/no-global-site-packages.txt
And if you change your mind and want to put it back:
$ touch venv/lib/python3.4/no-global-sit...