大约有 15,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0177秒) [XML]


How do I convert a string to a number in PHP?

I want to convert these types of values, '3' , '2.34' , '0.234343' , etc. to a number. In JavaScript we can use Number() , but is there any similar method available in PHP? ...

What is the Java equivalent of PHP var_dump?

...ll list the fields and their values for an Object "o" Field[] fields = o.getClass().getDeclaredFields(); for (int i=0; i<fields.length; i++) { System.out.println(fields[i].getName() + " - " + fields[i].get(o)); } sh...

What are the best practices for catching and re-throwing exceptions?

...lass ComponentInitException extends Exception { // public constructors etc as in Exception } class Component { public function __construct() { try { $connect = new CONNECT($db, $user, $password, $driver, $host); } catch (Exception $e) { throw ...

PHP: If internet explorer 6, 7, 8 , or 9

...l check for the lower number versions without checking for version 10, 20, etc. '/(?i)msie [1-8]\./' – michaellindahl Feb 11 '14 at 20:04  |  ...

Best practice multi language website

...hing like this in your routing: "/wilkommen" => "/welcome/lang/de" ... etc ... These could be stored in a flat file which could be easily written to from your admin panel. JSON or XML may provide a good structure for supporting them. Notes Regarding A Few Other Options PHP-based On-The-Fly T...

Reference - What does this error mean in PHP?

... Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given First and foremost: Please, don't use mysql_* functions in new code. They are no longer maintained and are officially deprecated. See the red box? Learn abou...

Best way to create an empty object in JSON with PHP?

... Well, json_encode() simply returns a string from a PHP array/object/etc. You can achieve the same effect much more efficiently by doing: $json = '{}'; There's really no point in using a function to accomplish this. UPDATE As per your comment updates, you could try: $test = json_encode(ar...

Can't use method return value in write context

...ral that's ok, but it's not strictly equivalent to empty(), because "", 0, etc. are "empty", but not null. – Kornel Apr 11 '14 at 11:19  |  sh...

ab load testing

...if the response times (means, min and max response times, failed requests, etc) are numbers your site can accept (different sites might desire different speeds). You can run the tool with different -c values until you hit the spot where you say "If I increase it, it starts to get failed requests and...

PHP function overloading

...creates The idea is you have different type of arguments, arrays, objects etc, then you detect what you were passed and go from there function($arg1, $lastname) { if(is_array($arg1)){ $lastname = $arg1['lastname']; $firstname = $arg1['firstname']; } else { $firstnam...