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Difference between android.app.Fragment and android.support.v4.app.Fragment
What is the difference between android.app.Fragment and android.support.v4.app.Fragment , and what are the circumstances in which each should be used?
How to link a folder with an existing Heroku app
I have an existing Rails app on GitHub and deployed on Heroku. I'm trying to set up a new development machine and have cloned the project from my GitHub repository. However, I'm confused as to how to link this folder up to Heroku. Originally, I used the heroku create command, but obviously I don't...
What is `mt=8` in iTunes links for the App Store?
Does anyone know the significance of the mt parameter in App Store Links?
8 Answers
How do I migrate a model out of one django app and into a new one?
I have a django app with four models in it. I realize now that one of these models should be in a separate app. I do have south installed for migrations, but I don't think this is something it can handle automatically. How can I migrate one of the models out of the old app into a new one?
When should Flask.g be used?
I saw that g will move from the request context to the app context in Flask 0.10, which made me confused about the intended use of g .
Express.js - app.listen vs server.listen
...tion but I simply don't get it. What is the difference between creating an app using Express.js and starting the app listening on port 1234, for example:
What is the purpose of Flask's context stacks?
I've been using the request/application context for some time without fully understanding how it works or why it was designed the way it was. What is the purpose of the "stack" when it comes to the request or application context? Are these two separate stacks, or are they both part of one stack? Is ...
Stopping an Android app from console
Is it possible to stop an Android app from the console? Something like:
11 Answers
bodyParser is deprecated express 4
...sing the bodyParser() constructor has been deprecated, as of 2014-06-19.
app.use(bodyParser()); //Now deprecated
You now need to call the methods separately
And so on.
If you're still getting a warning with urlencoded you need to...
App Inventor 2 连接调试器的几种方式的比较 - App Inventor 2 中文网 - 清...
App Inventor 2 连接调试器的几种方式的比较app_inventor_2_debug从功能上来说大致分为3类,即:但是每种类型下面仍有一些不同的选择,下面开始介绍各种连接方式的特点。连接方式测试介质特点AI伴侣Android手机特别适合小朋友,简单...