大约有 45,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0435秒) [XML]
C++ equivalent of java's instanceof
...seClass>(ptr)) { ... }
However, this purely operates on the types as known by the compiler.
This code should work for polymorphic pointers:
template<typename Base, typename T>
inline bool instanceof(const T *ptr) {
return dynamic_cast<const Base*>(ptr) != nullptr;
Catch a thread's exception in the caller thread in Python
...the child thread, and it is in its own stack. One way I can think of right now to communicate this information to the parent thread is by using some sort of message passing, so you might look into that.
Try this on for size:
import sys
import threading
import Queue
class ExcThread(threading.Thre...
Python nested functions variable scoping [duplicate]
+1 I was confused, but now I see what happens. I'm a c# programmer and every time I begin to like Python something like this comes up and ruins it for me.
– nima
Dec 19 '12 at 14:14
What's the difference between using CGFloat and float?
... to make your app 64-bit clean and try running it as such, since most Macs now have 64-bit CPUs and Snow Leopard is fully 64-bit, including the kernel and user applications. Apple's 64-bit Transition Guide for Cocoa is a useful resource.
C# operator overload for `+=`?
...ist, which are compiled in a special method calls, and CLR itself doesn't know anything about operators. So let's see what exactly stays behind the + and += operators.
See this simple code:
Decimal d = 10M;
d = d + 10M;
Let view the IL-code for this instructions:
How well is Unicode supported in C++11?
...le to focus on an encoding that was superseded over 20 years ago, I don't know&ddagger;. It's not like support for more encodings is bad or anything, but UCS-2 shows up too often here.
I would say that char16_t is obviously meant for storing UTF-16 code units. However, this is one part of the s...
What optimizations can GHC be expected to perform reliably?
GHC has a lot of optimizations that it can perform, but I don't know what they all are, nor how likely they are to be performed and under what circumstances.
How to validate an e-mail address in swift?
Does anyone know how to validate an e-mail address in Swift? I found this code:
34 Answers
What's the $unwind operator in MongoDB?
} }
If we look at the funding_rounds array, we know that for each funding_rounds, there is a raised_amount and a funded_year field. So, unwind will for each one of the documents that are elements of the funding_rounds array produce an output document. Now, in this example,...
How do you write tests for the argparse portion of a python module? [closed]
...th parameter args=sys.argv[1:]. It already calls the ArgumentParser.parse_known_args-method. With argument args==None it will obtain them with args = _sys.argv[1:] where _sys is an alias for sys. (It might be an update since the answer was posted.)
– Thomas Fauskanger