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How to check a string for specific characters?
How can I check if a string has several specific characters in it using Python 2?
5 Answers
Characters allowed in a URL
... So if you're trying to, say, find the end of a url within a string (which I am), it would be best to go by the obsolete standards in the accepted answer... If you're validating url's you should use the set of characters on this answer.
– ashleedawg
Why is a boolean 1 byte and not 1 bit of size?
...Obviously, such a pointer would not be convertible to void* because of the extra storage requirement for the bit number.
– Maxim Egorushkin
Jan 7 '11 at 17:10
Strings as Primary Keys in SQL Database [closed]
... slower from a performance standpoint (inserting/updating/querying) to use Strings for Primary Keys than integers?
15 Ans...
Why doesn't Java support unsigned ints?
...er performance rather than assuming it to be true. It is possible that the extra jiggery-pokery required to manipulate shorts rather than ints (which is usually the type that the processor 'likes to use') could actually be detrimental to performance in a particular application. Not always, but you s...
Difference between String#equals and String#contentEquals methods
What is the difference between the String#equals method and the String#contentEquals method?
9 Answers
How to initialize a private static const map in C++?
I need just dictionary or associative array string => int .
10 Answers
Hash function that produces short hashes?
Is there a way of encryption that can take a string of any length and produce a sub-10-character hash? I want to produce reasonably unique ID's but based on message contents, rather than randomly.
What is the best way to test for an empty string in Go?
Which method is best (more idomatic) for testing non-empty strings (in Go)?
10 Answers
Is there any JSON Web Token (JWT) example in C#?
...turn sha.ComputeHash(value); } } }
public static string Encode(object payload, string key, JwtHashAlgorithm algorithm)
return Encode(payload, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key), algorithm);
public static string Encode(object payload, byte[] keyBytes, JwtHa...