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How to generate a random number in C++?
The most fundamental problem of your test application is that you call srand once and then call rand one time and exit.
The whole point of srand function is to initialize the sequence of pseudo-random numbers with a random seed.
It means that if you pass the same value to srand in two differ...
Exiting from python Command Line
...e exit in the command line, it finds the variable with that name and calls __repr__ (or __str__) on it. Usually, you'd get a result like:
<function exit at 0x00B97FB0>
But they decided to redefine that function for the exit object to display a helpful message instead. Whether or not that's ...
node.js equivalent of python's if __name__ == '__main__' [duplicate]
I'd like to check if my module is being included or run directly. How can I do this in node.js?
2 Answers
MFC CSplitterWnd的用法详解 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术
CSplitterWnd m_wndSplitter;
BOOL CChildFrame::OnCreateClient( LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs,
CCreateContext* pContext)
BOOL bCreateSpltr = m_wndSplitter.CreateStatic( this, 2, 1);
// COneView and CAnotherView are use...
__declspec(dllexport) 导出符号解决链接失败问题 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术
__declspec(dllexport) 导出符号解决链接失败问题特别注意:dllexport、dllimport导出、导入的方式仅针对dll动态库,而lib静态库无需任何申明,宏全部替换成空即可。error LNK2019: 无法解析的外部符号 "public: __thiscall CBtt::CBtt(void)" (??0CBtt@@Q...
Git error on commit after merge - fatal: cannot do a partial commit during a merge
...t adding "-i" to the commit command fixes this problem for me. The -i basically tells it to stage additional files before committing.
That is:
git commit -i myfile.php
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Requirejs domReady plugin vs Jquery $(document).ready()?
It seems like all the key points were already hit, but a few details fell through the cracks. Mainly:
It is both a plugin and a module. If you include it in the the requirements array w/ a trailing ! your module won't execute un...
What is a good Hash Function?
For doing "normal" hash table lookups on basically any kind of data - this one by Paul Hsieh is the best I've ever used.
If you care about cryptographically secure or anything else more advanced, then YMMV. If you just want...
Cross field validation with Hibernate Validator (JSR 303)
... fields; cross-field validation should be done at the class level. Additionally, the JSR-303 Section 2.2 preferred way to express multiple validations of the same type is via a list of annotations. This allows the error message to be specified per match.
For example, validating a common form:
UITextView style is being reset after setting text property
I have UITextView *_masterText and after call method setText property font is being reset.
It's happening after I change sdk 7.
_masterText is IBOutlet , global and properties are set in storyboard. It's only me or this is general SDK bug?