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How to use __doPostBack()

I'm trying to create an asyncrhonous postback in ASP.NET using __doPostBack() , but I have no idea how to do it. I want to use vanilla JavaScript. ...

What's the pythonic way to use getters and setters?

... Try this: Python Property The sample code is: class C(object): def __init__(self): self._x = None @property def x(self): """I'm the 'x' property.""" print("getter of x called") return self._x @x.setter def x(self, value): print("sette...

What is __declspec and when do I need to use it?

I have seen instances of __declspec in the code that I am reading. What is it? And when would I need to use this construct? ...

Two-way encryption: I need to store passwords that can be retrieved

... Personally, I would use mcrypt like others posted. But there is much more to note... How do I encrypt and decrypt a password in PHP? See below for a strong class that takes care of everything for you: What is the safest algorit...

What version of Visual Studio is Python on my computer compiled with?

...to be Visual C++ 2008 according to this thread on the OpenCobol forums (of all places). The MSDN page on Predefined Macros indicates 1500 to be the result of the _MSC_VER macro. This other forum post mentions that (For reference, Visual Studio 2003 has _MSC_VER = 1310; Visual Studio 2005 ha...

How can I tell PyCharm what type a parameter is expected to be?

When it comes to constructors, and assignments, and method calls, the PyCharm IDE is pretty good at analyzing my source code and figuring out what type each variable should be. I like it when it's right, because it gives me good code-completion and parameter info, and it gives me warnings if I try t...

MongoDB drop every database

..."dropping db " + db.getName() ); db.dropDatabase(); } save it to dropall.js and then execute: mongo dropall.js share | improve this answer | follow | ...

What kind of leaks does automatic reference counting in Objective-C not prevent or minimize?

... platforms, memory leaks are often caused by unreleased pointers. Traditionally, it has always been of utmost importance to check your allocs, copies and retains to make sure each has a corresponding release message. ...

Targeting only Firefox with CSS

...more on "using selector hacks" and on how the example you provided specifically works? Thanks. – jj_ Nov 30 '14 at 11:15 1 ...

How to get folder path for ClickOnce application

...c:\Documents & Settings That's right. ClickOnce applications are installed under the profile of the user who installed them. Did you take the path that retrieving the info from the executing assembly gave you, and go check it out? On windows Vista and Windows 7, you will find the ClickOnce c...