大约有 40,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0292秒) [XML]


How do I use ROW_NUMBER()?

... For the first question, why not just use? SELECT COUNT(*) FROM myTable to get the count. And for the second question, the primary key of the row is what should be used to identify a particular row. Don't try and use the row number for that. If you returned Ro...

LINQ to SQL - Left Outer Join with multiple join conditions

...g.Where(f => f.otherid == 17).DefaultIfEmpty() where p.companyid == 100 select f.value Or you could use a subquery: from p in context.Periods join f in context.Facts on p.id equals f.periodid into fg from fgi in (from f in fg where f.otherid == 17 select f).DefaultIfE...

Better techniques for trimming leading zeros in SQL Server?

... Why don't you just cast the value to INTEGER and then back to VARCHAR? SELECT CAST(CAST('000000000' AS INTEGER) AS VARCHAR) -------- 0 share | improve this answer | ...

System.Net.Http: missing from namespace? (using .net 4.5)

... Add Reference dialog right-click on your project in Solution Explorer and select Add Reference.... It should look something like: share | improve this answer | follow ...

Sublime Text 2 multiple line edit

...t and edit all lines at once. It's also called "Split into Lines" in the "Selection" menu. share | improve this answer | follow | ...

UITableView Setting some cells as “unselectable”

How can I set the UITableView's cell property to be unselectable? I don't want to see that blue selection box when the user taps on the cell. ...

PostgreSQL - max number of parameters in “IN” clause?

... explain select * from test where id in (values (1), (2)); QUERY PLAN Seq Scan on test (cost=0.00..1.38 rows=2 width=208) Filter: (id = ANY ('{1,2}'::bigint[])) But if try 2nd query: explain select * from test where id = an...

How to select from subquery using Laravel Query Builder?

... Note that if you have a complex query as a belongsToMany as subselect you have to add getQuery() twice => $sub->getQuery()->getQuery() – Jordi Puigdellívol Aug 28 '15 at 14:23 ...

Vim: faster way to select blocks of text in visual mode

I have been using vim for quite some time and am aware that selecting blocks of text in visual mode is as simple as SHIFT + V and moving the arrow key up or down line-by-line until I reach the end of the block of text that I want selected. ...

On select change, get data attribute value

... You need to find the selected option: $(this).find(':selected').data('id') or $(this).find(':selected').attr('data-id') although the first method is preferred. shar...