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Node.js + Nginx - What now?

...s-available/yourdomain.com In it you should have something like: # the IP(s) on which your node server is running. I chose port 3000. upstream app_yourdomain { server; keepalive 8; } # the nginx server instance server { listen 80; listen [::]:80; server_name y...

Cannot ping AWS EC2 instance

...ill help someone else... 1) First make sure the EC2 instance has a public IP. If has a Public DNS or Public IP address (circled below) then you should be good. This will be the address you ping. 2) Next make sure the Amazon network rules allow Echo Requests. Go to the Security Group for the EC2. ...

Keep-alive header clarification

...ween computer A and server F")? A TCP connection is recognized by source IP and port and destination IP and port. Your OS, all intermediate session-aware devices and the server's OS will recognize the connection by this. HTTP works with request-response: client connects to server, performs a requ...

How to link godaddy domain with AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment?

...f SEO and not recommended by Amazon. Even you should not point a record to IP directly - it will cause a lot of troubles in the future because IP can be changed any moment. The most elegant way is to migrate DNS service from GoDaddy to Route 53. You still will be with GoDaddy, but handling requests...

Request is not available in this context

... Since there's no Request context in the pipeline during app start anymore, I can't imagine there's any way to guess what server/port the next actual request might come in on. You have to so it on Begin_Session. Here's what I'm using when not in Classic Mode. The o...

Setting up a git remote origin

... Using SSH git remote add origin ssh://login@IP/path/to/repository Using HTTP git remote add origin http://IP/path/to/repository However having a simple git pull as a deployment process is usually a bad idea and should be avoided in favor of a real deployment scrip...

Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/mysql/mysql.sock' (38)

... A quick workaround that worked for me: try using the local ip address ( instead of 'localhost' in mysql_connect(). This "forces" php to connect through TCP/IP instead of a unix socket. share ...

一个科技公司只是碰巧卖起了披萨? - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...推出Translator App,消费者用手机话筒对准自己的胃,App“扫描”后,就可以订制一张“适合你胃”的披萨,下单后可直接跳转订餐。 2015年3月,达美乐支持智能手表点餐,用户可以通过Pebble或Android Wear智能手表,在智能手机内设...

adito-gateway -华为云免费SSL VPN解决方案 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...ito adito-0.9.1]# ant install 关闭防火墙 [root@adito ~]# service iptables stop iptables: Setting chains to policy ACCEPT: filter [ OK ] iptables: Flushing firewall rules: [ OK ] iptables: Unloading modules: [ OK ] [ro...

Greenlet Vs. Threads

...to your system. Concurrency is not parallelism Threads vs. processes Multiprocessing vs. threads GIL vs. CPython share | improve this answer | follow | ...