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What does .class mean in Java?

.... object.getClass() returns the class of the given object. For example: String string = "hello"; System.out.println(string.getClass().toString()); This will output: class java.lang.String This is the class of the string object :) ...

how to stop browser back button using javascript

.... the 3rd argument to history.pushState() is a url. Solutions which pass a string like 'no-back-button' or 'pagename' seem to work OK, until you then try a Refresh/Reload on the page, at which point a "Page not found" error is generated when the browser tries to locate a page with that as its Url. (...

Should I use char** argv or char* argv[]?

...har *argv[] because it shows that is a fixed size array of variable length strings (which are usually char *). share | improve this answer | follow | ...

Is this a “good enough” random algorithm; why isn't it used if it's faster?

...import java.util.Arrays; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { QuickRandom qr = new QuickRandom(); int[] frequencies = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { frequencies[(int) (qr.random() * 10)]++; ...

What's the best way to trim std::string?

I'm currently using the following code to right-trim all the std::strings in my programs: 46 Answers ...

What are five things you hate about your favorite language? [closed]

...are only a few different error messages and a few different types (Number, String, Object, etc.) If it wasn't for jQuery, I'd probably still hate it as much as I used to :) share ...

Why is a boolean 1 byte and not 1 bit of size?

...Obviously, such a pointer would not be convertible to void* because of the extra storage requirement for the bit number. – Maxim Egorushkin Jan 7 '11 at 17:10 ...

Why would one omit the close tag?

...hp closing tag (?>) is so that the programmer doesn't accidentally send extra newline chars. The reason you shouldn't leave off the php closing tag is because it causes an imbalance in the php tags and any programmer with half a mind can remember to not add extra white-space. So for your questi...

Why does Oracle 9i treat an empty string as NULL?

...efore there was a SQL standard, Oracle made the design decision that empty strings in VARCHAR/VARCHAR2 columns were NULL and that there was only one sense of NULL (there are relational theorists that would differentiate between data that has never been prompted for, data where the answer exists but ...

Why doesn't Java support unsigned ints?

...er performance rather than assuming it to be true. It is possible that the extra jiggery-pokery required to manipulate shorts rather than ints (which is usually the type that the processor 'likes to use') could actually be detrimental to performance in a particular application. Not always, but you s...