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Conceptually, how does replay work in a game?

... I think your initial thought was correct. To create a replay, you store all input received from the user (along with the frame number at which it was received) along with the initial seeds of any random number generators. To replay the game, you reset your PRNGs using the saved seeds and feed th...

What is the best way to detect a mobile device?

...igator.userAgent.toLowerCase())); Now $.browser will return "device" for all above devices Note: $.browser removed on jQuery v1.9.1. But you can use this by using jQuery migration plugin Code A more thorough version: var isMobile = false; //initiate as false // device detection if(/(android|b...

Zip lists in Python

... When you zip() together three lists containing 20 elements each, the result has twenty elements. Each element is a three-tuple. See for yourself: In [1]: a = b = c = range(20) In [2]: zip(a, b, c) Out[2]: [(0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1), ... (17, 17, 17), (18, 18, 18...

What is the fastest way to check if a class has a function defined?

I'm writing an AI state space search algorithm, and I have a generic class which can be used to quickly implement a search algorithm. A subclass would define the necessary operations, and the algorithm does the rest. ...

How to toggle a value in Python

...0 >>> x ^= 1 >>> x 1 The technique generalizes to any pair of integers. The xor-by-one step is replaced with a xor-by-precomputed-constant: >>> A = 205 >>> B = -117 >>> t = A ^ B # precomputed toggle constant >>> x = A >>> x ^...

用VC实现组态王数据的远程共享 - 文档下载 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

用VC实现组态王数据的远程共享VC MFC DDE 网络通信DDE:动态数据交换机制交换机制DDE是一种动态数据交换机制(Dynamic Data Exchange,DDE)。使用DDE通讯需要两个Windows应用程序,其中一...DDE:动态数据交换机制 交换机制 DDE是一种动...

App Inventor 2 上传文件到服务器的方案全总结 - App Inventor 2 中文网 - ...

...文本的方式,发送数据,服务端base64解码后,存储文件。下载过程是Web客户端通过网络url下载文件到手机。      类似地,也可以将图片Base64化后分片存储到网络微数据库。下载过程是将分片完整合并,并解码存储...

Objective-C 2.0 Mac和iOS开发实践指南 PDF扫描版 - 文档下载 - 清泛网 - ...

Objective-C 2.0 Mac和iOS开发实践指南 PDF扫描版Objective-C Mac iOS《Objective-C 2.0 Mac和iOS开发实践指南》专门为那些想要学习Objecti Ve-C以便为Mac OS x或iOS编写程序的程序员量身打造。《Objectiv...截图: 《Objective-C 2.0 Mac和iOS开发实践指南...

Tokumx 副本集(集群)全攻略 - 大数据 & AI - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...查看同步详情。(详细参见:https://www.tsingfun.com/it/bigdata_ai/335.html) 仲裁节点(投票):一个虚拟的从库(不可作为主库),不同步任何数据。 程序连接Mongo集群:不能单独连接从库,主库可以。 查看状态: ./mongo rs.statu...

oracle10g 网址收藏 - ORACLE - 清泛IT论坛,有思想、有深度

...些软件,你需要一个OTN免费帐号,不过如果通过迅雷进行下载,就不用登陆OTN了: Oracle Database 10g Release 2 ( Enterprise/Standard Edition for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) http://download.oracle.com/otn/nt/oracle10g/10201/10201_database_win32.zip http://down...