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How do I create an array of strings in C?

... If you don't want to change the strings, then you could simply do const char *a[2]; a[0] = "blah"; a[1] = "hmm"; When you do it like this you will allocate an array of two pointers to const char. These pointers will then be set to the addresses of the static strings "blah" and "hmm". If you do...

Convert a String In C++ To Upper Case

...upper case. The examples I have found from googling only have to deal with chars. 29 Answers ...

Apply formula to the entire column

...olumn B as the image from the OP. For me, It simply fills the value of the selected cell. – Assimilater Aug 4 '15 at 23:04 11 ...

How to convert a char array to a string?

Converting a C++ string to a char array is pretty straightorward using the c_str function of string and then doing strcpy . However, how to do the opposite? ...

How to change the default charset of a MySQL table?

... in a database, you can use this query and execute the resulted queries : SELECT concat('alter table ', table_name, ' CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;') FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema='<your_database_name>' and table_collation != 'utf8_general_ci' GR...

Check if table exists and if it doesn't exist, create it in SQL Server 2008

... Something like this IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[YourTable]') AND type in (N'U')) BEGIN CREATE TABLE [dbo].[YourTable]( .... .... .... ) END ...

How can I change my default database in SQL Server without using MS SQL Server Management Studio?

...nagement Studio by using the 'options' button in the connection dialog and selecting 'master' as the database to connect to. However, whenever I try to do anything in object explorer, it tries to connect using my default database and fails. ...

LISTAGG in Oracle to return distinct values

... 19c and later: select listagg(distinct the_column, ',') within group (order by the_column) from the_table 18c and earlier: select listagg(the_column, ',') within group (order by the_column) from ( select distinct the_column from t...

How to do scanf for single char in C [duplicate]

In C: I'm trying to get char from the user with scanf and when I run it the program don't wait for the user to type anything... ...

What is cardinality in MySQL?

...ow cardinality column with only 2 possible values as the index will not be selective enough to be used. share | improve this answer | follow | ...