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What is the difference between String.Empty and “” (empty string)?

... In .NET prior to version 2.0, "" creates an object while string.Empty creates no objectref, which makes string.Empty more efficient. In version 2.0 and later of .NET, all occurrences of "" refer to the same string literal, which means "" is equival...

What is the behavior of integer division?

...ive= -125/100;//=-1 double flooringResultNegative= floor(-125.0/100.0);//=-2.0 share | improve this answer | follow | ...

The name 'InitializeComponent' does not exist in the current context

...his usually happens whenever you try to add a WPF control/window to a .NET 2.0 class library or project. The reason for this error is that the project does not know it's building a WPF control or window and therefore tries to build it as a C# 2.0 project. The solution involves editing the .csproj ...

.NET: Which Exception to Throw When a Required Configuration Setting is Missing?

...te to reuse the existing ConfigurationErrorsException type. Prior to .NET 2.0, the recommendation was to use System.Configuration.ConfigurationException. ConfigurationException became obsolete in .NET 2.0, for reasons which were never clear to me, and the recommendation changed to use Configuratio...

Case insensitive XPath contains() possible?

... This is for XPath 1.0. If your environment supports XPath 2.0, see here. Yes. Possible, but not beautiful. /html/body//text()[ contains( translate(., 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'), 'test' ) ] This would work for search strings where th...

Biggest GWT Pitfalls? [closed]

...h of compile) and then just hit refresh in your browser. Update: With GWT 2.0+ this is no longer an issue, because you use the new 'Development Mode'. It basically means you can run code directly in your browser of choice, so no loss of speed, plus you can firebug/inspect it, etc. http://code.goog...

How can I force division to be floating point? Division keeps rounding down to 0?

... behavior for integers, is now a // b: >>> 1//2 0 >>> 1//2.0 0.0 However, you may be stuck using Python 2, or you may be writing code that must work in both 2 and 3. If Using Python 2 In Python 2, it's not so simple. Some ways of dealing with classic Python 2 division are better a...

How to iterate a loop with index and element in Swift

... print("Item \(index): \(element)") } Before Swift 3.0 and after Swift 2.0, the function was called enumerate(): for (index, element) in list.enumerate() { print("Item \(index): \(element)") } Prior to Swift 2.0, enumerate was a global function. for (index, element) in enumerate(list) { ...

Capybara Ambiguity Resolution

... As of Capybara 2.0 don't do this unless you absolutely have to. See @Andrey's answer below and the explanation of Ambiguous Matches in the upgrade guide linked above. – jim Oct 8 '14 at 23:34 ...

RESTful Services - WSDL Equivalent

... WSDL 2.0 specification has added support for REST web services too. Best of both worlds scenario. Problem is WSDL 2.0 is not widely supported by most tools out there yet. WSDL 2.0 is W3C recommended, WSDL1.1 is not W3C recommended...