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How to detect the current OS from Gradle
task checkWin() << {
if (Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS)) {
println "*** Windows "
I found this in the following Gradle branch, and it seems to work nicely. gradle/gradle-core/branches/RB-0.3/build.gradle
How can I set NODE_ENV=production on Windows?
Current versions of Windows use Powershell as the default shell, so use:
Per @jsalonen's answer below. If you're in CMD (which is no longer maintained), use
set NODE_ENV=production
This should be executed in the ...
Is there a MessageBox equivalent in WPF?
Is there a standard message box in WPF, like WinForms' System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show() , or should I use the WinForms message box?
How do I exit the results of 'git diff' in Git Bash on windows? [duplicate]
I'm using Git Bash on Windows 7. When I run git diff , I see this:
3 Answers
Set up Python simpleHTTPserver on Windows [duplicate]
I want to set up Python SimpleHTTPServer on Windows XP. I have Python installed on my computer. I am executing the following command:
C/C++获取Windows的CPU、内存、硬盘使用率 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术
C/C++获取Windows的CPU、内存、硬盘使用率1.获取Windows系统内存使用率 Win 内存 使用率 DWORD getWin_MemUsage(){MEMORYSTATUS ms;::GlobalMemoryStatus(&ms);return ms.d...1.获取Windows系统内存使用率
//Win 内存 使用率
DWORD getWin_MemUsage()
windows C++ gbk转为utf-8 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术
windows C++ gbk转为utf-8在windows与linux系统通过socket的传输数据里,如果传输中文字符,因为windows和linux使用的编码不同,所以需要将windows下的中文编码转换为 在windows与linux系统通过socket的传输数据里,如果传输中文字符,因为windo...
坐等升级!Win10终极正式版迎里程碑 - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注IT技能提升
坐等升级!Win10终极正式版迎里程碑Windows 10今年会有两次大的更新,五月更新已经推送,而接下来更新的版本为20H2。据外媒最新消息称,Windows 10 20H2已经达到了宣布普遍
Windows 10今年会有两次大的更新,五月更新已经推送,...
php 获取操作系统、浏览器版本信息(持续更新) - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专...
...os = false;
if (eregi('win', $agent) && strpos($agent, '95')){
$os = 'Windows 95';
else if (eregi('win 9x', $agent) && strpos($agent, '4.90')){
$os = 'Windows ME';
else if (eregi('win', $agent) && ereg('98', $agent)){
$os = 'Windows 98';
else if (eregi('win', $agent) && ...
Win10正式版官方原版ISO镜像下载大全(64位&32位) - 软件下载 - 清泛网 - ...
...原版 正式版【64位简体中文家庭 专业版】 文件名:cn_windows_10_multiple_editions_x64_dvd_6848463.iso 体积:4.01GB SHA1:C71D49A6...【64位简体中文家庭/专业版】